I chuckled and whispered dramatically while making few hand gestures, "This is magic. "

He laughed and said, "You are a nice women. I don't understand why others are hating and judging you."

"Ofcourse because of what she said to the quatermaster." The pirate on the other bed retorted harshly with a deeper accent.

Oh, others are hating on me? Well. Exciting!!

Jin looked at me with a sad look in his eyes and shaked his head, speaking gently, "She doesn't know what had happened in our past Jaejin. We can't blame or judge her for not being aware."

The other just turned his head around, not saying anything back.

Well, I guess I'll just continue.

Moving my chair to the other bed, I slowly looked where Jaejin was hurt, he had a wound on his calf, it wasn't as deeper as Jin but it still looked hurting.

Slowly putting my hand on the wound and doing the same thing as before, I talked to Jin, "You can go, your wound is healed."

Before he could answer Jaejin interrupted.

"You are a bitch. You don't deserve to be here. "
I slowly turned my head and stared at the pirate who just dared to call me a bitch with a feeling I can't comprehend.

My hand was still on his now healed leg and I could feel the tension raising in them. No! This shouldn't happen!

"Yah Park Jaejin!! Don't you dare talk to  her like that!!" Shouted Jin, angrily.

"Why brother? I said right. She is a bitch."

I quickly stood from the chair and walked to the door repeating again and again in my mind to control and not give in to the curse. I can't lose my control. Not now. Not here.

"YA!! Shut up and apologize right now!!"

"I'm not going to apologise to a bi-"

And I lost it.

Jumping over him with full force I punched him on his face and was again going to punch him when he blocked my hand and throwed his own punch. It hitted me on the left side of stomach causing me to fall as he stood up from the bed. Ughh cramps!! I wasn't going to back down though. I've already lost my mind and gave in to the curse and now even if I wanted to I couldn't stop and take the control back.

In a blink of an eye, I had kicked him on his right shoulder and punched him on the left cheek, pinning him down on the floor while he tried to kick me again on my stomach. I could hear Jin frantically speaking something to someone but I wasn't in my right mind to notice who. With one final blow, I was about to knock this rude pirate out but was stopped by a hand on my arm which forced me to get up from the floor and to the bed.


My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing from everything that happened and the curse weighing over my heart and body.
My mind was fuzzy and without being able to control my leg I was about to kick the person who just stopped me but was again blocked.

This was getting too much. I needed to hit. I needed to fight back. They were going to hurt me. They will lock me up again. They are going to take me away. I don't want that.

I needed to kill.

At this point I've completely lost all the self control and didn't knew what I was doing. I just needed to do something. Anything to protect me. I needed to feel. I felt numb. I needed some pain, some hurt, something, anything!!

I kept punching and kicking and trying to get up but I was pinned to the bed, with voices around me which I couldn't understand. Were they here?? Noo!!
I noticed myself breathing heavily, wheezing. The air which was entering my lungs wasn't enough. My throat has tightened and it was getting harder. I can't breathe!

The only thing right now in my mind was that I needed to get away from here and free myself and run to a safe place and hide the forever. The curse was completely controlling my senses and it wasn't even full moon yet. What will I do??  I don't want to die.

Not being able to move my body anymore, I felt myself being covered by a heavy blanket with my legs tied to the bed and my hands numb beside me. Breathing again, deeply this time I tried to understand what was happening and felt something wet on my head.

My body amd mind were tired and I could hear two different voices telling, asking me to breathe?

I didn't know who they were but I tried to do what they said, breathing slowly and deeply through my nose and exhaling through my mouth, I felt myself calming. With few more deep breaths, I heard a deep male voice, "That's it. Just like that. Breathe one more time Golden. You are fine."

Gentle and soft.

Cold. I felt cold. I whimpered at the feeling and tried to bring my legs closer to my chest but couldn't.

"Hey, hey you are fine Lady Golden. It's okay. Breathe. You are alright. Nothing is going to happen to you." The voice said calmly and gently with an assuring tone.

I knew this voice.


Opening my tired eyes slowly, I noticed four blurry people infront of me with worried expressions and than all I saw was black.

Oh no.

Golden CAPTAIN || Ateez *PIRATE AU*Where stories live. Discover now