Goodbye, America!

Start from the beginning

"Heck no!" Tsukasa shook his head. "I don't wanna use my brain!"

Rui shrugged and returned to scribbling numbers into boxes on one of the pages of the thick book.

"You never use your brain, anyway," Nene rolled her eyes. "You're an idiot."

"Hey!" Tsukasa said, hurt.

"Children, be nice to each other," Shosuke said. "Cheer up. We are going back home."

"Yeah, yeah," Nene mumbled.


     Rui's mother was eagerly waiting for the return of her son. While she was waiting for his arrival, she invited her new boyfriend over for a little while.

     Ms. Kamishiro's significant other came but a few minutes after being invited, as the woman had anticipated.

"My son should be back today," Ms. Kamishiro told her guest. "I want him to meet you."

     Akimitsu smiled at the woman. "I'm sure I'll like him."

     Ms. Kamishiro smiled back at her boyfriend.

     "I'm certain you will!" Ms. Kamishiro said
excitedly. "I haven't told him that I got a boyfriend yet. I figured that it would be a nice surprise!"

     "When is he supposed to be back?" Akimitsu asked.

     "Sometime this morning," Ms. Kamishiro said. "Oh, I can't wait for him to come back!"

     Akimitsu laughed. "You really do love him, huh?" He said. "You're an amazing mother, I'm sure."

     "Aw, thank you!" Ms. Kamishiro placed her hands over her mouth. "I try to be the best mother I can to Rui. He's a good kid, but he's been going through so much at school."

     Akimitsu tilted head slightly. "Then it's even better that he has you as his mother."

You always know exactly what to say, don't you!

     Ms. Kamishiro laughed. "Do you want to watch something while we wait?"

     "Alright." Akimitsu blushed.

Ms. Kamishiro and her boyfriend watched a TV show for some time before knocking was heard at the door.

     "Wait here, Akimitsu!" Ms. Kamishiro said to her boyfriend, who nodded.

     Rui's mother stood up rapidly and rushed to the door, excitedly opening it. Rui steppes inside and closed the door, pulling his luggage in with him.

     "Hey!" Rui outstretched his arms as he greeted his mother.

     "Rui!" The boy's mother wrapped her arms around her son. "I missed you so much! Did you have fun in America?"

     Rui nodded. "It was a lot of fun!" He answered, letting go of his mother. "And Tsukasa-kun somehow found his sister that he lost twelve years ago."

     "There we go, talking about Tenma again," Ms. Kamishiro said teasingly while nudging the boy. "Did anything happen with you two? Huh?"

     Rui blushed deeply and didn't answer, making his mother gasp.

     "Something did happen!" She clapped her hands together. "Did you confess to him? Did you kiss? Or did he confess to you?"

     "S—Slow down!" Rui laughed. "I, um... I confessed to him."

     "And then?" Ms. Kamishiro clasped her fingers together.

     "He confessed back," Rui started to smile, his blush intensifying. "And then, um..."

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