An Important Witness

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⚠️ For those that skipped the fight scene last chapter, there will be a summary of what happened in this chapter! ⚠️

Ai exhaled a breath they hadn't realized they'd been holding, careful not to do it too loudly as to alert the boy that was writhing in pain on the floor as his nose leaked blood.

Ai shakily tapped the record button again to stop the recording. Instantly, they turned around and dropped their back against the pillar they had been hiding behind while Akane and Kamishiro fought.

There is no way that just happened.

Akane is actually insane. What the hell?

Ai's stomach gave a horrible wrench. Their heart was pounding so powerfully they could feel their veins throbbing and the blood pumping into their head. How long has it been since Ai last blinked, again?

They slowly let their arms fall back down to their sides. They couldn't believe the fight they'd just witnessed, and that they got it on camera!

Now, Ai's dear friend Akane was laying on the ground, groaning in pain as Kamishiro carried Tsukasa—his boyfriend?—away while running. Akane was always one to be overdramatic, Ai was sure that Kamishiro couldn't have hit him that hard. In fact, they thought that the pain was already gone, and that Akane didn't want to get up because he'd just learned things the hard way.

Akane's so stupid. Why not just confess instead of spreading all those rumours to make everyone hate Kamishiro, just to have him all to himself? I'm sure that Kamishiro isn't the type to cheat. Though, do I wonder if I even know enough about Kamishiro to judge that.

Even considering their past with Akane, Ai couldn't bring themself to help their friend. Should they even call him a friend anymore?

Ai hesitated before turning their phone back right side up—as they'd been holding it in landscape to film the fight—and opened Instapic, a social media app.

I have to get this around somehow. I'll post it on ClapChat and Instapic. And I'll tell people about it.

They froze before hitting the 'post' button.

There's no way that they will believe me... After all, Akane liking Kamishiro just seems so unlikely...

And Akane's actions don't seem fitting at all. He acts like a nice guy when, in reality, he hates everybody...

They inhaled sharply and pressed the post button in Instapic, hurriedly closing the app right after. Their breaths were shaky and they threw their free hand against their chest, gripping their uniform top.

Is Akane going to murder me for doing this? What do I do?!

The scuffling sound coming from behind the pillar Ai was leaning on made their adrenaline start pumping, and they were sprinting down the hallway before they knew it. Sweat dripped off of their face and their uniform already felt glued to their body.

Ai was terrified. They didn't even know where they were going, but they did know that it was away from Akane, which was good. Away from Akane means safety.

Well, not entirely.

"Found you..." A male voice said, its owner placing a large hand onto Ai's shoulder.

Oh, no.


"Help! Please!" Rui barged into the nurse's office while carrying Tsukasa, who had passed out on the way there.

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