listen before i go

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A/N I guess kinda spoilers for this Chapter? there's a cheeky little cover attached to this chapter because raene might be doing a cheeky lil cover for the boys. I'm kind of hoping y'all don't listen to it but i did kinda put it on the chapter so people probably will, so enjoy i guess?? shits bad asf. ANYWAY, im gonna be changing chapter names so just ingore that hehehe


I grumble in to my pillow and bury myself further in to it, ignoring the 3rd call of my name this early in the morning.

"Raene come on get out of bed it's 2pm!" I feel a body collide in to me on the bed and promtly lay itself out across my own, "Dude come on, I'm taking you out let's go!"

"Phoebe if you don't get of me right now.." I groan, barley awake and very agitated.

"You'll what tough guy?"

"That's it."

And with that I manage to flip myself and Phoebe's dead weight over so that I was now hovering above the blonde. She smiles up at me softly and brings a hand up to tuck a few strands of hair that had fallen to frame my face back behind my ear.

The sight I was left with was absolutely ethereal. Phoebe layed beneath me with her hair fanned out across the pillow, her beautiful brown eyes staring up at me, her nose, her mouth, everything. I could stay like this forever.

"You're staring."

"I know." I smile and place a hand on her cheek, stroking it gently and using one hand to balance above her, "You're beatiful." I breathe out.

A light blush climbs up her cheeks slowly and before I can comment, her arms wrap tightly aroud my waist and she pulls me flush against herself, burying her head in my neck.

"You're mean." I hear an oh so faint voice say from her place in my neck.

"Whatever for, dear?" She looks back up at me and glares. The red tint to her cheeks still very visible.

"You know what for."

"I do, you're right. I just wanna hear you say it." I grin widely, now laying half-way on her.

"I'm not saying shit, now come on! Up! You and me are going out." She shoves me fully off her now and jumps up from the bed, leaving me now off balance and sliding very gracefully off of the side of the bed and on to the floor.

I look up at the girl unimpressed, pretty much breaking my neck at the angle I've found myself, "Phoebe what the fuck-"

The blonde bursts out in to a fit of giggles and pulls her phone out, most likely taking a photo or a video.

I twist myself out of the awkward position and spring to my feet, run to Phoebe and tackle her to the ground, "I could have broken my neck!" I yell.

"You're being dramatic!" She tried fighting me off of her.

"Bitch did you see me! I was like a fucking bendy ruler!!" I fight back, laughing as I did.

"You are a fucking bendy ruler you gay bitch, get off of me!!"

"Not until you apologise!" I feel her squirm again and then go quiet. Uh oh.

"Never!" She used all of body weight and more to push me off of her and switch our positions, "Hah! Now I'm the top!" She smile brightly at me and pinned my hands down above my head, I start to feel myself get a little warm as a bright red blush appeared on my cheeks.

"You fucking wish." I mumble, embarrassed at my reaction. "Didn't you say we were going somewhere?"

"Oh! Yes, weeee are going to go get some lunch and some coffee and then we're meeting the boys at the studio!" She suddenly jumps off of me, using my stomach as leverage and causing me to groan out slightly. She offers me a hand to help up though so I guess that makes up for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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