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By the time the boys had decided to call it a day at the studio, after about 4 hours of being there, everyone but me seemed to have forgotten all about the near-kiss-cock-block situation.

Phoebe however, still snuck glances at me when she thought I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't help but notice that she couldn't stop chewing at the insides of her cheeks or picking at the skin around her fingernails, evidently anxious about something. Every time I caught her eye she'd quickly look away and join back in with Julien and Lucy's conversation.

I wanted to ask her what was wrong but my mind had put itself on lockdown mode, everything felt suffocating. The reality of what happened today actually meant ran rampant. I was going to kiss Phoebe. It looked like she was going to kiss me back. What the fuck am I thinking, of course she wasn't. It just couldn't happen, if it did it would ruin everything. I would lo-

"Raene!" Julien jumped up into my face to get my attention, I'd apparently zoned out while the three of them finished off and packed away.

I hummed in acknowledgement towards the short brunette, who looked at me with a tilted head questioningly, "We asked if you wanted to get dinner out instead of cooking tonight. You okay there?"

"Uh I think I'm actually gonna stay in tonight, I'm getting a bit of a headache." I answered, rubbing my head gently.

I was lying, of course. But the didn't need to know that.

"You guys go on without me though, don't let me stop you." With that I got a worried look from Phoebe, her mouth opening to say something but closing again after aparently deciding against it.

I smiled softly at the blonde, hoping to reassure her a bit in that I would be fine on my own for a few hours. I knew what was going through her head, the last time I was left alone didn't exactly go too well, "Park girl, seriously I'll be okay."

The blonde simply took a step forward and grabbed my hand, pulling it softly so that I came forward into her space, "Promise me that if anything happens you'll call me." Her voice was soft but adamant, a strong will behind the almost desperate words she was speaking.

"I promise."

"Ok then, let's go!" Lucy clasped her hands together, "We'll drop you back first Raene and then head out?"

"Yeah sounds good." I chuckled at Lucy's energy, finding it amusing how she can still go on as if she hadn't just spent the better part of a day singing her heart out in the studio.
It was impressive really.

As we all turned to leave, having switched everything off and put everything back in it's place, a gentle hand clasped mine.

"Raene wait." Phoebe looked at me like she was afraid of something.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." I commented.

"Yeah, just hang back a miniute I wanna talk to you." She turns to where the other two are walking through the door and calls out to them,"Hey we'll be there in a second, just sorting something!" Lucy nods and sends Phoebe an attempt of a subtle wink before continuing away.

"Seriously Phoebe are you ok-" But before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by a pair of warm hands cupping my face and lips as soft and as gentle as could be pressed against my own.

It sounds cliche but I quite literally felt electricity shoot through my body, any doubts I had about what this could be or mean completely left my mind as I kissed her back.

The kiss was unreal. It felt like a black hole, pulling me in until all gravity is lost under her touch. Her lips were like a summer rain, pouring over mine as if they had the power to take away and give back life, warm and comforting, embracing every beautiful and ugly part of myself. In short, it was the best kiss I had ever experienced. It was full of passion and emotion. It said everything words couldn't.

I pulled her closer to me, basking in the feeling of her lips against mine until she smiled into the kiss causing me to as well and then finally we both broke away laughing.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't wait for us to stop being awkward, I've been wanting to do that for a while." She spoke breathlessly with her forehead leant against mine.

"I'm definitely not complaining." I smiled boldly back, only faultering slightly at the impending anxiety of how badly this could go if we gave it a chance. The thoughts only invading tenfold at the lack of substance currently running throught my body.

"How- however I do think we need to talk. Like talk talk, properly. You might want to change your mind after." I said, my voice and my smile wavering.

She shook her head, frowning slightly, "Later. For right now I just wanna appreciate this. Appreciate you."

"I can handle that I think." I let an easy smile fall back on to my face and attempted to drive away the tingling feeling rushing through my body currently. A nasty sweat threatening to break out if I didn't do something to stop it and fast, "You wanna get outta here before the boys start eating themselves?" I asked, knowing they hadn't realy eaten properly in a few hours.

"Yeah, sounds good." She pulled me along by the hand she still had tightly held in hers.

This could go either one of two ways.

First, I needed to do something about this rapidly approaching come down.



Did a get you? Bet I did.

Anyways, it has been a TIME godamn-

Im awefully sorry about the massive draught you've had to suffer through, been feeling rough and havent eeally had much motivation in terms of writing and I don't want to force myself to write and then give you guys half decent chapters when I can do better with time. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's not the best but I felt bad for leaving you hanging for so long!

Have a good day/night lovely people

(p.s. this hasnt been spell checked so im so sorry about typos)

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