✦ DOT.mesmerise me

Start from the beginning

"no, no. it fits perfectly. but going out in something so delicate..." you kept your gaze on the dress.

lemon cupped your cheeks with both hands, a smile drawn on her face as the warmth of her palms seeped through to your skin.

"it's perfect. you're perfect. so just trust me and go do your thing!" she cheered you on, reassuring you as her hands slipped from your face.

"lance and dot should be ready by now. i wonder what location finn and mash have picked out?" lemon pondered before a knock on the door was sounded.

"oh, coming!" she strolled over to the door, pulling it open to reveal a certain mushroom-head. upon the arrival of mash, a small blush dusted lemon's cheeks.

"you're going to an aquarium. woohoo." he expressionlessly cheered, giving you another thumbs up.

"an aquarium date? mash, don't you think we should go for one too? like a double date?" lemon squirmed around, twiddling with her fingers.

"uhh. i don't know. isn't this supposed to be (y/n) and dot's moment or something?" he blatantly spoke, question marks floating around him.

"oh, don't act oblivious, you!!" she lightly hit mash's shoulder.

"okay, let's go! lead the way, mash!" the blonde took your wrist once more, trailing behind the mushroom-head as he had miraculously managed to follow the directions finn had given him with no error.


you had thought that the fake date would be a little more spontaneous, something for befitting to dot's personality. but it was quite the opposite as you stood across the redhead in front of the entrance to the local aquarium.

"you're- you're the blind date, (y/n)?!" dot's jaw fell open.

"let's not talk about it." you glanced to the side, searching for the hidden group of adler students.

"w-well, shall we go inside?" dot put on a smile, yet his voice was unable to contain the nervousness that consumed him.

you only nodded, stepping into the aquarium while dot followed suit behind you.

it was awkward. absolutely awkward.

however, the sight of stingrays swimming around their fellow kin in the sea of azure blues quelled his nerves.

"huh. looks like you." you spoke up, pointing to a bloated pufferfish floating by.

it looked dead.

"is it even alive?!" dot's exasperated expression almost drew a snicker out of you. clearing your throat, you turned away from him.

your head perked up at something drifting by. translucent lavander in colour, it was simply beautiful. mindless, drifting, peaceful, harmless. a moon jellyfish. it's movements had you mesmerised.

you lowered your head, fingertips ghosting over the glass the separated you and the aquatic creature as a realisation had came to you in that moment.

"dot... can i confess something to you?" you turned to the redhead.

'wait. confess?! to me?! hold on. i can't get ahead of myself. but what if this is the jackpot?!' his heart pounded in his chest as crimson coated his cheeks.

"sure! what is it...?" the boy's voice quivered as he could only focus on the sound of his rapid heartbeats.

"i want to be..." you started before pursing your lips, hesitant on your confession.

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