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Ryujin's POV:

As we zipped through the streets, I couldn't resist turning around to see Yeji's reaction. Her hair was flying in all directions, and her expression was a mix of exhilaration and slight panic, like she wasn't sure whether to scream or laugh.

"Hang on tight, Yeji!" I shouted over the wind, grinning like a maniac as we dodged a particularly aggressive pigeon.

Yeji clung to me like a koala bear, her grip tightening as I took a sharp turn. "Don't worry, I've watched enough action movies to handle this!" she yelled back, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm.

As we approached a traffic light, I slowed down, giving us a breather. "So, how's your first motorcycle adventure going?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant despite my excitement.

Yeji removed her helmet, her hair a glorious mess. "It's like a rollercoaster on steroids!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with adrenaline.

"Well, get ready, because the real fun is about to begin," I teased, revving up the engine as the light was no longer red.

We arrived at my house with a mix of laughter and relief, both of us buzzing from the ride. "Congratulations, you survived the Ryujin Rollercoaster!" I joked, and Yeji playfully punched my shoulder.

"Thanks for the thrilling experience, Captain Ryujin," she replied with a smirk, and we both dissolved into laughter, knowing that this spontaneous adventure was just the beginning of many more to come.

Yeji's POV:

So, Ryujin told me to buckle up for the ride, and let me tell you, it was a wild one!

 Picture this: the engine roaring like it's playing a heavy metal concert, wind whipping through my hair like a tornado (okay, slight exaggeration, but you get the vibe). I held on for dear life, not because it was scary, but because it was ridiculously fun.

As we zoomed down the road, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. It was like being in one of those action movies, minus the explosions and bad guys chasing us.

The rush of adrenaline was real, my friends. I felt like yelling, "Faster, Ryujin, faster!" But I also didn't want to end up flying off the bike (not a great look).

Despite the speed, there was something liberating about it, like leaving all your worries behind and just living in the moment.

And you know what? I'd ride shotgun with Ryujin again in a heartbeat, messy hair and all. It's those spontaneous adventures that make life interesting, am I right?

We made it to Ryujin's place, and I needed a quick breather to calm down. I mean, I didn't want to give her folks the wrong idea like I'm some adrenaline junkie or something. Though, truth be told, hanging out with Ryujin is a bit like riding a roller coaster—you never know what's coming next, and it's thrilling!

After a minute, I was ready to face the world again. But before I could make a move, Ryujin grabbed my hand and gave me a mischievous grin. "Hold up," she said, and I was all ears. Next thing I know, she's fixing my hair like a pro stylist. My heart decided to join the excitement too, racing like crazy!

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