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Ryujin woke up with a cluttered mind and a yearning for clarity. She decided to go on a run, hoping the rhythmic pounding of her feet would help clear her thoughts. As she laced up her shoes and attached weights to her ankles, her favourite songs played in her earbuds, creating a cocoon of familiar melodies around her. With each step, she felt a connection to the past and the present, lost in her world of memories and hopes.

She found herself unconsciously running toward the park where she had met her beloved Night Fury years ago. As she entered the familiar park, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature and her favourite songs playing through her earbuds, Ryujin felt a sense of peace wash over her.

(Moon-Star: this song is on ✨ ryujin's official playlist on Spotify.... let's just say she is listening to this okay 😊)

As Ryujin entered the park, she couldn't help but notice how everything had changed over the years. Trees had grown taller, new paths had been paved, and the once-familiar corners held a hint of unfamiliarity. Yet, amidst the transformations, she wondered if fate would allow her to encounter her Night Fury again.

Finding a quiet spot near the place where they had first met, Ryujin sat down to catch her breath. The weight on her ankles reminded her of the burdens she had carried, but the music in her ears whispered of dreams yet to be realised. Lost in contemplation, she suddenly heard the faint voice kitten's cry for help.

Without hesitation, Ryujin sprang into action. She followed the sound and discovered an injured kitten, its tiny form tugging at her heartstrings. With gentle hands, she scooped up the kitten, cradling it close to her chest. Determined to help, she took off running towards the nearest vet, her heart racing with a mix of concern and determination.

As Ryujin stepped into the vet's office, a warm sense of fulfilment filled her heart. The simple act of kindness she had extended towards the injured kitten brought her immense joy. When the vet confirmed that the kitten needed further care, Ryujin's decision was clear. She couldn't leave the little one behind. With a tender smile, she resolved to adopt her.

At that moment, as she held the fragile kitten close, Ryujin felt a surge of affection wash over her. She decided to name her new furry friend "Dal," a name that held special significance. In Korean, "Dal" meant "moon," symbolizing the gentle radiance that illuminated her life even in its darkest moments.

It was a profound and emotional moment for Ryujin, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with love, compassion, and companionship. As she cradled Dal in her arms, she knew that their bond would be as enduring and luminous as the moonlight that bathed the world in its soft glow.


**Later that day**

Ryujin's first day at the new school was a mix of excitement and nervousness. As she stood in front of the class, her heart raced with anticipation. However, the familiar feeling of anxiety crept in, making it hard for her to meet anyone's eyes. When Mr. Kang introduced her and mentioned that she would be sitting with Yeji, a rush of nerves surged through Ryujin.

As she scanned the classroom, Ryujin's eyes were drawn to Yeji as instructed by Mr. Kang. What caught Ryujin off guard wasn't just the prospect of sitting next to someone new, but the astonishing clarity with which she could see Yeji's face.

Despite her struggles with childhood trauma and monochromacy, Yeji's features stood out vividly. Ryujin was stunned by the clarity with which she could see every detail of warmth in Yeji's smile, the sparkle in her eyes, and even the subtle shades of colour in her outfit. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing Ryujin to see beyond the blurred outlines that usually clouded her perception of people's faces.

As Ryujin settled into her seat beside Yeji, her mind was a jumble of thoughts and feelings. She felt like running away to escape the overwhelming thoughts swirling in her head. Fidgeting nervously, she couldn't understand why Yeji looked different from everyone else. It bothered her a lot and made her even more anxious.

As the class went on, Ryujin found it hard to pay attention. Her mind kept wandering back to Yeji and why she could see her face so clearly. It was like solving a puzzle that wouldn't fit together, and it made her feel even more uneasy.

When the lunch bell finally rang, it was a welcomed distraction. Ryujin hastily packed her things, her movements hurried and anxious. Without a particular destination in mind, she took off running as soon as she stepped out of the classroom. Each step was a desperate attempt to clear her mind, to find solace in the rhythm of her footsteps and the rush of air against her face.

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