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Ryujin's POV:

The next morning, I woke up with a sense of purpose, my mind still buzzing with the enigma of Yeji's vivid presence in my memories. I reached for my phone and quickly texted Karina and Chaeryoung, eager to share my thoughts and seek their insights.

"Morning! Still thinking about yesterday. Let's meet up before school," I typed out, hitting send with a sense of anticipation.

Within minutes, Karina's reply came through. "Sure thing! Let's meet at the new café near the school."

As I got ready for the day, I couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement mixed with a touch of apprehension. The prospect of delving deeper into the mystery of Yeji's impact on me was both thrilling and daunting.

When I met Karina and Chaeryoung at the café near the school, the air buzzed with our shared curiosity. "So, what's the plan?" Chaeryoung asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

I took a deep breath before diving into my thoughts. "I think we should approach this like a detective trio," I suggested with a grin. "We gather clues, analyze them, and piece together the puzzle."

Karina nodded her analytical mind already at work. "Let's start by jotting down everything we know about Yeji and your experience with her. Maybe there are patterns or details we've missed."

For the next hour, we brainstormed and scribbled notes, mapping out the events and emotions tied to my encounter with Yeji. It felt like we were crafting a roadmap to understanding the unexplainable.

As we wrapped up our impromptu investigation session, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. "Thanks, guys. I feel like we're onto something," I said gratefully, taking in the reassuring smiles of my friends.

With our plan in motion, I headed to school, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling within me. Today wasn't just another day—it was a step closer to unravelling the secrets behind my inexplicable connection with Yeji. And with Karina and Chaeryoung by my side, I knew we were ready to face whatever mysteries awaited us.



As I settled into the seat next to Yeji, my heart raced with nervousness. I could feel my palms growing damp, a telltale sign of my anxiety. Taking a deep breath, I mentally coached myself to keep it simple and not let my stutter get the best of me.

"Hey, Yeji," I greeted her with a small smile, trying my best to appear calm. Yeji looked up, her eyes filled with curiosity and kindness.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday," I started, my words stumbling a bit. "I-I was a bit caught off guard, and I didn't mean to act weird."

Yeji nodded understandingly, her warm smile putting me at ease. "It's okay, don't worry about it," she reassured me, her gentle tone comforting.

Encouraged by her response, I continued, "Yeah, I just... I guess I was having one of those days, you know?"

Yeji nodded again, her understanding gaze giving me the courage to keep talking. "We all have those days," she replied, her words making me feel understood.

The classroom buzzed around us, but I struggled to find the right words to keep the conversation going. "So, how are you finding everything so far?" I asked, trying to shift the focus away from my own nerves.

Yeji's warm smile never faltered. "It's been good, thanks. The teachers are nice, and the classmates seem friendly," she shared, making an effort to encourage me.

Grateful for her kindness, I mustered the courage to ask for help. "Th-That's good to hear. I-If you don't mind, can you help me get around the school? I'm still getting used to everything," I stuttered slightly, my voice betraying my nervousness.

Yeji's smile widened, and her reassurance was like a balm to my anxious soul. "Of course, I'd be happy to help you navigate. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of things soon," she assured me, her confidence in me giving me a boost of confidence too.

During the lesson, my attention often drifted to Yeji sitting beside me. She seemed like a calming melody amidst the chaos of the classroom. While the teacher's words blurred into the background, Yeji's presence remained vivid in my mind.

Her focused expression resembled that of an artist delicately painting a canvas. Despite my efforts to concentrate on the lesson, her features stayed clear in my thoughts.

Yeji's laughter was like a refreshing breeze on a hot day, bringing joy to those around her. Her smile lit up the room, much like sunlight breaking through dark clouds after a storm.

Even the simplest moments with her felt magical. Watching her take notes was like witnessing a gardener tenderly caring for delicate flowers.

Reflecting on my interaction with Yeji, I realized she wasn't just another classmate. She was a guiding light in my monotonous routine, bringing color and warmth to my otherwise dull existence.

Yeji's presence seemed to fill my world with vibrancy, like a rainbow appearing after a downpour. Her kindness and positivity made me believe that life held more than just monotony.Walking alongside Yeji, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her friendship. She was like a personal rainbow, brightening my days and making life a little more beautiful.

As the lunch bell rang, interrupting my train of thoughts, I felt Yeji's gaze linger on me. There was a softness in her eyes, a hint of concern that seemed to reach deep within me. It was as though she could sense the turmoil in my mind, as if our connection went beyond mere words.

With a gentle smile, I met her gaze, finding solace in the unspoken understanding between us. "I'm not going anywhere," I said softly, my voice carrying a sincerity that mirrored the emotions swirling inside me.

Her smile brightened, a subtle warmth spreading in the air between us. "I'm glad," she replied, her words carrying a weight of reassurance and something more, something that made my heart skip a beat.

Unexpectedly, Yeji extended an invitation to join her for lunch. I hesitated for a moment, considering her offer. "Um, sure," I finally responded, feeling a mix of nerves and curiosity.

Yeji smiled brightly, gesturing for me to follow. "Great! Let's go together."

As we walked towards the cafeteria, I found myself opening up more than usual. "I hope it's okay that Karina and Chaeryoung will join us," I mentioned, feeling a bit anxious about the dynamics.

Yeji nodded understandingly. "Of course, it's totally fine. The more, the merrier!"

During our conversation, we talked about various things, from our favorite subjects to hobbies we enjoyed. Yeji's easygoing nature and genuine interest in getting to know me made it easier for me to relax. I found myself sharing stories about my previous school and my hobbies, something I rarely did with new people.

"I'm really glad we met," Yeji said with a smile as we entered the bustling cafeteria.

"Yeah, me too," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for this unexpected connection amidst the chaos of starting at a new school.



Surprise😁... well it was my birthday yesterday so i thought why not give you all a lil gift by  updating twice today😊

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