Chapter 21

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The next day in school, almost everyone was crowded around the area me and GBs lockers were. Coiny came running to me, hyper and all 'Coiny'. "Dude! Your girlfriend has a whole new style! I think Pin set her up with a new aesthetic!" He blurted out. "Omg! Really?" I pushed him away running to see what she did with herself and... woah. She had a normal shirt but with a nice white jacket which she put one shoulder off and the jacket up to her waist. She had a skort (a skirt with shorts under) and asymmetrical socks. She changed braces colors and she had a side party hair style with straight hair. She put on circular glasses and she had sneakers. She had nice earrings and a cute ring. She was magnificent!

Out on the corner of my eye, I saw Snowball glaring at her, but he eventually saw me and walked up to me. I started to walk away from him but then he started to run so I started to run and we ended up at the football pitch and he tackled me to the ground. "Listen, if you think you can take her away from me, you are highly mistaken. I will kill you." He started to punch me and once he stopped, he spat on me and left. Luckily, I only got bruised and there was no blood but this was still a problem. I went to the nurse and got an ice pack just before first period and once I left, I had to go to Maths quickly.

When I entered, GB saw me and asked what happened to my face. "Snowball punched me and told me to stay away from you, whatever that means but let's talk about you! You look so cute!" She smiled and told me "When Pin took me shopping, I figured I could wear some of the stuff and I styled my hair and I actually changed my braces colors a few days ago but I didn't talk as much. I really like this sort of style and it makes me feel confident!" She smiled so much, she was showing her dimples. The fact she does it without makeup! I didn't think I could hold it in any longer, I wanted to confess to her, even if it meant Snowball hurting me.

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