Chapter Twenty-three: You are the one

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Third Person POV

The rustling of the tree leaves was the only sound in the middle of the wood while the (h/c) haired girl sits on the tree branch while looking at the gloomy sky with the same gloomy face.

Her eyes red and puffy from crying the whole morning. Now, she's just sitting there with a blank face.

In her entire life this is the first time she have been feeling this vulnerable, and she's hating herself for this.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice that she haven't heard in a while calls out her name but she couldn't get the courage to show her pitiful looking face toward the person.

However, that didn't stop the person to jump up the tree branch and sit beside her, yet she didn't turned to look at the person or said any words.

She was scared her voice will break when she said something and also she didn't wanted the person to see her red puffy eyes.

But the person already noticed that and grabbed her chin in gentle manner. Her
(e/c) eyes immediately meet the person's red one.

"You were crying?" He asked with a soft tone where the clear worry and concern could be noticed. His eyes were frowning in concern looking deeply into hers that making her wants to break down all her tough walls and let out all the emotions that she's locking inside her heart.

Her lips pressed together in bitter expression and quickly broke her eye contact with him. "Nothing..."

She knew he's not going to believe that but she's still trying to resist her urge to show her emotions.

"I was just feeling a bit down today, that's it....what about you, Dyrroth? What are you doing in the wood again?" I asked, trying to avoid that conversation.

He always seems to find her whenever she's alone in the wood but never questioned him cause he never had done anything to harm her, so she trust him.

However, Dyrroth didn't seems to like the way Y/N avoiding looking at him and changing the conversation.

He put his both hands on
Y/N's shoulders and make her turn toward him. Dyrroth know this is something deeper than just feeling down. He know something really bad happened.

He look at her eyes not letting her look away this time. He's eyes hold serious demand but also concern and reassurance.

"What happened, Y/N? I know you're not telling me the truth. I'm here to hear you you know?" He asked her not breaking the eye contact for once.

She stayed silence for a few seconds thinking whether to avoid his question or just tell him everything but it was hard to lie when he was looking at her like that.

Eventually, she let out a sigh of defeat and look down in guilt before speaking quietly. "I.....hurt my friends.....and nearly killed one..."

Her voice hold fear, anger and guilt. Dyrroth can clearly tell how much this is effecting her. She's really in deep stress right now. He just stayed quiet while listening to her patiently.

"I was too nieve to think that I can control the power that I have. I was just trying to win the Reverse Scale for my mission on finding the herb that I nearly destroyed everything I have..."

"I'm a monster....I shouldn't be near any of my friends unless I'll hurt or worse kill them."

Y/N said with all the emotions in turmoil. She's really losing it but the sudden hug from Dyrroth made her nearly let out a pathetic squeak.

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