Chapter 6: The Titans in the Iron ports

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Dainippon: "Just try and get some sleep, ok?"

Tsenanta: "Will do."

Meanwhile, with the Iron blood fleet.

Bismarck: "I wonder where they could be?"

Prinz Eugen: "Ask U-556 she know."

Graff Zeppelin: "I will launch some recon planes."

Graff Zeppelin launches planes from her flight deck


Graff Zeppelin: "Nothing still wait there. I see the two ships."

Bismarck: "Good, send us coordinates!"

Graff Zeppelin sent out coordinates.

Long Timeskip

Prinz Eugen: "Ara Ara~ those ships are big."

Bismarck: "Well then, let's inspect them and see."

The girls hop on the ship.

Tsenanta: "I heard some footsteps,"he sprints out quickly.

Tsenanta: !!!

Bismarck: "A shipboy!?"

Dainippon walks over to see what is happening

Dainippon: "What is happening!?"

Prinz Eugen: "Ara~ two shipboys."

Tsenanta: "Gives us a moment to think."

The both of them have a moment

Tsenanta: "So are we the only males?"

Dainippon: "Yes, we are the only males."

Tsenanta and Dainippon turn back and walk towards them.

Dainippon: "What is your offer?"

Bismarck: "Our offer is simple. You join us until a Sakuran fleet comes and gets you two."

Tsenanta: "Fine, we accept your offer."

Bismarck: "Glad to hear that."

Dainippon: "Now we have our own offer."

Bismarck: "I would like to hear it."

Dainippon: "You guide us. We protect you."

Bismarck: "I argee with your offer."

Tsenanta: "Thank you."

Big Timeskip

Bismarck: "This our home port in Asia."

Dainippon: "Yea, we will dock our ships outside."


The fleet is greeted with cheer and some shipsgirl meeting them

Dainippon: "We should explore our environment first."

Tsenanta: "But we may be here for a short while."

Dainippon: "Yes, you're right, but it's best to know what place we are at."

Tsenanta heads to Bismarck, tapping her on the shoulder

Bismarck: !!! *She slap him in self-defence*

Tsenanta: "Owww."

Bismarck: "Sorry."

Tsenanta: "It's ok."

Bismarck: "What do you want?"

Tsenanta: "Me and Dainippon would like to tour Ironblood.'

Bismarck: "In that case, Z23 will guide you."

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