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"I just don't get it, Moony. I don't know why they're so mad at me." Sirius sighed, sitting down with his friends in the Gryffindor common room.

"Don't you think it could be cause you left them behind, or something-" Peter started, resulting in a smack in the arm from James. "What?"

James gave Peter a wide eyed look, before clearing his throat, "I think what he means is-"

"No he's probably right." Sirius cut him off. "But- I don't understand why they're being so dramatic about it! They were always the favorites, anyway, its not like they're being punished for me leaving." Except that's exactly what was happening. But Sirius didn't know that. How could he? "Aurelia has never been so angry with me in her life."

"And Regulus?" James questions.

"He's always angry with me." Sirius laughed a little bit, before frowning a bit. He'd never admit it out loud, but he missed his siblings. Though they never actually hung out while at school, Sirius missed their small interactions, usually resulting in one of the twins scoffing and rolling their eyes, while he's standing beside them laughing.

James looked at Sirius intently, feeling bad for his best friend. He put his arm around his shoulder for comfort. "It'll be okay. like I said, they'll come around, Padfoot."

"Yeah- I just..." Sirius kept rambling about his siblings, especially when he saw Aurelia in the library. That was all Remus could think about too. He thought about how she looked like she hadn't slept in days. She seemed rather withdrawn, going about her regular business, only she wasn't there. Well, physically, yes but something was just off. Anyone who knew the girl could tell this but to everyone else- the ones who didn't matter- she seemed just fine.

It was as though something had swooped in, snatching her from her body and another had taken its place. It tried to imitate her, not drawing attention to itself and yet... it was almost obvious. Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes, her laugh wasn't as loud or genuine, her eyes had lost their spark. She had lost a piece of herself, that much was clear but how to fix that was the ultimate question. The world was far too full when Aurelia Black didn't have her light...

"Moony? Moony...? Remus!" Sirius startled the boy, who was lost in thought.


"What's wrong with you? I've been trying to talk to you." Sirius huffed, shoving Remus' knee impatiently.

"Sorry- I was thinking."

Sirius chuckled, "Dangerous thing to do- but anyways. Are you sure she didn't say anything about me in the library? Not even a little reference or like-"

"Sirius, I already told you everything." well, not everything. Remus failed to mention that he was with Aurelia longer than Sirius had thought, and actually had more of a conversation, instead of the impression Sirius had, that they were just reading.

"I know I just-"

"Sirius, just like James said, they come around at some point," Remus told Sirius, waving his hand as though it were simple. "They just need time so give them time." Remus suggested, but he wasn't even sure he knew what he was telling him. From the small interaction he had with Aurelia, it was clear as day that whatever his siblings were upset about, it was way deeper than Sirius leaving home.

It was so much more than that.


"I saw Sirius today." Aurelia sighed sitting down next to Regulus in his common room.

"Not surprising, we go to school together." Regulus saw Mulciber approaching Aurelia out of the corner of his eye, "Shove off, Mulciber."

The prefect took a deep sigh before turning the other way, Aurelia sneering in his direction before continuing the conversation with her twin brother.

misguided ghosts ~ r.j.lWhere stories live. Discover now