chapter twelve: saturday discoveries

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The cold floor greeted my feet as I took my first steps of the day to get to my clothes. I had a slight headache from the lack of water I had drank with my two drinks the previous night. I put half of my long black hair into a ponytail and tied a green ribbon around the band. I looked into my mirror as I did some makeup for the day. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get a full night's rest and my face always showed it. My nightmares were constantly waking me up.

After I got ready for the day, I made my way to the common room. Sebastian was sitting with Ominis on the couch massaging his temples.

"Rough night?" I asked Ominis.

"Yes, well, mostly for Sebastian. He spent the night puking. I spent the night away from him." I chuckled remembering his reaction to when I got sick.

"Hmm. How about you, Seb?" I asked, wondering if he remembered what he had said.

"I don't want to talk about it." His face looked slightly green.

"I suppose you wouldn't want to get some breakfast with me, then?" I said, knowing that Sebastian's favorite hangover food was breakfast.

"Shut up," Sebastian replied. Ominis and Sebastian walked behind me out of the Slytherin common room and into the hallway.

"Why does it have to be so bright everywhere?" asked Sebastian as he pinched his nose between his eyes. I chuckled at him. We walked quietly to the Great Hall for breakfast, and I pondered if he was not just hungover, but regretting his choice of conversation the previous night. His eyes kept wandering over to me as we walked. When we neared the entrance of the Great Hall, Ominis stopped in his tracks.

"I need you two to be clear about something," Ominis said.

"Oh boy," Sebastian said. That sealed it. He knew what he said and he was definitely regretting it.

"Shut it, Sallow. You two kissed in the Undercroft WEEKS ago and did not tell me?" Ominis questioned.

"It wasn't a big deal, Ominis. Nothing has happened since," Sebastian lied.

"You're telling me that you two slept at the Sallow residence by yourselves and nothing happened?" Ominis was starting to get upset at this point.

"No. Nothing happened," Sebastian answered.

"Well..." I said without thinking. I looked down at my hands when they both looked at me. "He and I ended up in the same bed because I had a panic attack in the middle of the night, and he was helping me calm down. That was it." Ominis threw his hands up.

"Why is everyone keeping me out of things now?"

"Well, frankly, it had nothing to do with you," Sebastian said. "We knew that you would react this way and it wasn't a big enough deal for this."

"This could potentially break apart our group. I love you both too much to see us separate again," Ominis said. With that, Sebastian and I exchanged looks and hugged Ominis together.

"We love you too, Ominis," I said, still holding him tightly to the side. 

"Don't think I won't make fun of you two as much as I can from now on," Ominis said, trying his best not to smile. I pulled away and we continued walking into the Great Hall. Sebastian looked nauseated immediately. We hurried to the table, and he attempted to eat some toast. He slowly looked better and better as he continued to eat. We sat in awkward silence after the discussion of the information that was unwillingly outed by Sebastian.

"I need to tell you both something," I looked back and forth at both of them, mainly looking at Sebastian, wondering how he is going to take my upcoming date with Everett.

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