chapter seven: confessions

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Sebastian and I had walked out to the lake in the beautiful autumn weather. The trees had started to change, and the temperature was starting to get cooler every day. We sat in awkward silence as Sebastian pondered how to begin. I stared off in the distance, not wanting to be spending my time out at the lake with him.

"I did not know how to tell you," Sebastian said without continuing. He looked out across the water as his breath quickened. After a few moments, I finally looked over at him and tried to get him to continue.

"Tell me what?" I asked, nervous about what might come next. Could it be that bad?

"There is a reason that Anne no longer lives in Feldcroft," Sebastian lamented, showing his feelings of loss on his face.

"I know. She wanted to try to get treatment for her curse at St. Mungos. She wrote to me after she left, just once, to let me know where she was. She also felt like she could not live alone during the school year."

"That was a lie," Sebastian said. His shaking hands fiddled in his lap as he continued. "It was me."

"It was... you?" I asked, confused. Nothing he was saying made any sense. Did he send her off for help? Why would he need to talk to me privately about that?

"I," he paused, and his eyes narrowed at a tall figure walking toward us.

"Willow! I have been looking for you," Everett Magnus said as he walked toward us.

"Well, you found her," Sebastian said, getting up from the rock and storming off. I stood up to go after him, but his words rang in my head from last night. He did not need me to come to his rescue.

"Sorry. It seemed like you guys were in a deep conversation, but after trying my Defence Against the Dark Arts homework on my own, I felt like I needed help from you." Everett ran a hand through his hair which had a slight curl to it.

"Sure, I can help you. Let's meet up at the library in a few minutes. I just need to go grab my homework. Don't worry about Sebastian, he is just..." I trailed off. I smiled up at him as he offered me a hand to get up. We walked toward the castle together.

"I have a feeling he and I will not be friends," Everett said, looking down at the autumn leaves at his feet as he walked.

"He is just going through something right now." Why did I feel the need to defend him? He obviously did not need nor want any help from me.

"Still. We likely won't be buddies," he paused, and we walked in silence for a moment. "I have to say, I am very lucky to have run into you that first day," Everett said, a slight blush coming to his tan cheeks.

"What do you mean? I have bruises on my knees from that fall I took!" I laughed.

"I am just glad to have met you," he said, looking into my eyes. My cheeks got hot from his stare.

"Likewise. I will see you in a few minutes!" I said before running to my dormitory for my books.

As I walked down the hallway toward the Slytherin entrance, I noticed Ominis and Sebastian talking quietly just outside it. Sebastian looked particularly frustrated. I wanted to avoid any further drama with him today, so I tried to politely move past them.

"Going on a date with your boyfriend, Willow?" Sebastian spat.

"We are skipping the date altogether and going straight to a bed," I said as my face turned bright red. I glanced over at Ominis, who was standing back, shaking his head. I immediately felt embarrassed for stooping to his level.

"Right. I would believe it, the way you have both been drooling over each other," Sebastian got even closer.

"Oh, please Sebastian! We are just studying. I told him to ask you, but you have been a grade-A asshole since he got here!" I yelled. Sebastian was inches from my face now.

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