. . . in the details

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by -thegraveyardwitch.

by -thegraveyardwitch

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Urban legends. Every town has them.

Some are have different variations of popular ones like, bloody marry or the one about the babysitter that found out the strange calls she had been receiving all night were coming from inside the house she was in, some have stories about the woman in white- those seeming more like a morbid phenomenon than an urban legend. And then there were those that were special to the town itself. And for Beacon Hills, it was the witch.

In 1983, everyone knew who Willow Eve was. She was an outcast, often being bullied by her classmates. She was the girl that didn't quiet fit in. She was strange and liked the macabre. People talked about her, whispering behind her back about how she enjoyed hanging out in the cemetery at night – especially on full moon nights, some saying that they could even hear her chanting in an unrecognizable language.

And the rumors only multiplied when she went missing, spreading like wildfire about her having run off to join a cult or slipping into an alternate dimension. However, when her body was found just two days after her disappearance, in a state that could only be described as a ritualistic sacrifice, people really started to talk.

They said her coven had betrayed her and killed her to appease their dark God, some saying that it was the devil himself who dragged her soul to hell, but every story always ended in the same way- her death had marked Beacon Hills, it cursed the land and those who lived there.

Willow Eve was The Witch of Beacon Hills.


BEGAN : MARCH 27, 2024


The Witch of Beacon Hills - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now