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I know that the beginning of this chapter will be character descriptions. Just so you can see what my crazy weird beans are about. Please be nice, thanks.

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Every group of 'Best Friends' always has their roles. This particular group of girls is no better. They all have their personalities that describe who they are. They are all tight-knit and close like sisters. They are all there for each other when one of them is having a rough day. The one that keeps them all together is Frankie, the daughter of JJ. She's what they like to call at the BAU, the 'therapist', which means that she's a great listener.

Frankie is known as the therapist because she can listen to people talk for hours on end. She's a good listener. She considers the BAU her family. Even if they already are with her mom being an agent. She has a sense of humor. Some people don't find it funny, but Reid will always be there to back her up and laugh at her jokes. She has two younger brothers, Henry and Michael, and she secretly loves Henry more than Michael. Because Henry has a growing personality, much like his older sibling (which is Franks). Much like the other girls, Frankie is determined to get out of high school and then go through training to become an FBI agent like her mom. Much like Angel, she has a habit of bottling up her emotions and not talking about them until she lets it out in a not-so-good way or she has an emotional breakdown. But other than that, she's very trusting as she doesn't get into trouble, and she tries to stay away from trouble. A lot of people say that Frankie looks exactly like her mom with blonde hair and blue eyes, even though Frank's hair is a semi-darker blonde than her mom's.

Julianna was four when her uncle died as he was the only 'father figure' that she had as her biological father and mother were dead. They died when she was two years old so that resulted in her living with her uncle Gideon. Since her uncle died, she's been living with the BAU genius, Spencer Reid. Not that she minded, though, because a good majority of the times that Gideon would bring her to the BAU, she had a weird fascination with Reid. He would read to Jules, which made her fall asleep, which was good for Gideon because he didn't have to make her fall asleep.

Ever since her Uncle Jason died years ago, yes, she misses him desperately, but she knows that he is in a better place than being on Earth. He and his sister Laila were close as he raised her when her mom was ten their mom left and their dad wasn't in the picture. After he left, Jules was in the care of her favorite person at the BAU: Spencer Reid. He loved it as even after she had to leave everything that she left at Gideon's and bring it over to Spencer's apartment, they both started new chapters in their lives. Spencer's mom, Diana, loves Jules so much that she's happy that Spencer is finally happy about life. He gets to raise a little girl, and she gets to be with her favorite person. She just cared about the simple things.

Angelica is and has been Derek's pride and joy as she's been there for her Dad for as long as she can remember. They always do stuff together, are there for her recital, and play at school. Well, try to be when he can, as you know, an FBI agent. Angel understands when her Dad won't make her play as he always makes up for it in the end, which means more time that she spends with her Dad. When she got to fourth grade, she was very hesitant about making new friends as outside of the other girls she didn't have anyone else. Which is fine for her. She has her crazy rambunctious bunch of friends that she wouldn't trade for the world. She's very shy with those that she doesn't know, and she has very bad anxiety about new places and also new changes. She can be moody, especially when she's overwhelmed and/or overstimulated. If another thing that Angel hated most of all was when something happened to her Dad and he was gone. Like when he got arrested for a supposed homicide that he committed in Chicago. What was originally supposed to be going to Chicago for his mom's birthday turned into him spending the night in jail. When Penelope told her what happened, all Angel did was cry and scream for Derek. Even if he didn't come he came back after the whole situation, and he vowed that he would never leave his daughter again. Which he never did. Where Derek went, Angel was right there with him, wanting to protect him no matter what. As he does it to her. Then again, he doesn't want her to grow up, and so that she can stay a kid forever even though knowing that she won't as she has no choice of growing up. Whether he likes it or not.

Gwendolyn is the definition of unorganized. She's always unorganized. She also can come off offensive at times, but that doesn't mean it. She's sneaky as she isn't one to get into trouble, but when she does, it's because of her sneakiness. But she also uses her sneakiness to an advantage, but that's not fun, so she doesn't do it a lot. She gets annoyed at the slightest thing and is also irritated, so it is sometimes like walking on eggshells to the others at the BAU. Outside of that side, she is really smart, intelligent, and clever like Spencer and Julianna. She is oftentimes listening to watching some sort of musical as she loves musicals. She is also very attentive and pays attention but doesn't like showing it. She is the daughter of Rossi and his wife, Monica, but she is in Timbuktu and not in the picture. She lost custody of Gwen when she was eight, as she would neglect her for hours upon hours. So that resulted in Gwen living with Rossi. She's also known as 'Tiny Tornado' by her Dad and 'Hurricane' by Derek and the rest of the team.

Carmen is the adopted daughter of Penelope Garcia. Yes, adopted. Penelope adopted Carmen through a private foster home for girls. Her mother, Ximena, and father Demetrius are not parents of the year at all. They don't even deserve kids in the slightest. Both of her parents are in prison in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at the prison, serving life in prison for joined crimes that they committed. Animal cruelty, breaking probation, resisting an arrest, assault on an officer, Homicide, Murder, and numerous drug charges (there is a list, but I don't remember what else was on there) It didn't surprise Penelope in the slightest due to what she does for a living. After all the court dates, Penelope immediately adopted Carmen before she was barely in the system for two hours. Not even an hour of Carmen was in the system, and she was adopted. Penelope has also seen herself in Carmen, same hobbies it was like it was meant to be. Yes, words exactly from Penelope. Neither of them would have it either way.

Nate is the adopted son of Aaron Hotchner, his father Arthur is a deadbeat Dad who had drug and alcohol addiction and he was always around always hanging with his girlfriends which he never seemed to keep. But the reason why Hotch kept Nate is because of how young he was and the fact that when they did find Nate (it was for a case), he was in a terrible condition and Hotch couldn't bear himself just leaving Nate out in the world by himself and also given the fact that he was seven years old. He adopted Nate shortly after within a month of him being in the hospital. Hotch never told anyone what he was doing. He was also seven going on eight when Haley had Jack. Jack loved Nate as when he would see Nate it was like pure happiness in the little kid's eyes at seeing his older brother. He is also unexpected as you never know what you're gonna get out of him. He might be visibly and physically there, but in his mind, he's not there. He's always lost in his head. Sometimes, his father Arthur would try to come back into his life, but, that would never happen in a million years as, over the years, Nate has found out the truth about his father, to the point that he can't stand his father, flesh, and blood. Nate is best friends with Frankie, Gwen, Angel, Jules, Wynter, and Carmen.

[I know I didn't do Raelynn because, as of right now, she isn't in the show yet. I will do her when we get closer to season ten or eleven because of her sister being in the show at that time. If that makes sense, but here's the actual chapter outside of mini-character descriptions that make sense, at least to me].


This chapter was just descriptions of the characters, not much of a prologue. I hope you enjoyed it, though.

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