With the next slide on the screen he launches into a long spiel about democracy in post-war Germany. It's perfectly interesting, and you know that the information will be crucial in your exam, but he's just looking so bloody dreamy standing there it causes a momentary lapse in your concentration. And it's not that you're not taking in his words, this is just the way you soak up information, letting his words flow over you, one elbow on the desk, propping up your head in your hand, your gaze raking lazily down his body, then back up, then down again...

Now what would he look like minus those jeans?

That's when you feel it. A tiny pulse, like a slow, steady heartbeat, deep down in your core. You immediately sit upright, your back as rigid as a poker, eyes flicking straight to Van's. He's looking right at you, barely disguised smirk on his lips, eyes glowing with a wicked kind of delight.

"Maybe you'd like to share your views on this particular topic Y/N?"

Crap... you realise then exactly how much you'd zoned out, and you just know that he's going to make you pay for it. The toy slowly comes to life inside you, pulsating gently, a warmth spreading through you, not enough that you can't hide it, but enough to make you shift in your seat.

"I'm sorry, I just lost my concentration for a...."

You can't finish your sentence, your words cut off with a loud gasp as the pulsations intensify suddenly, making you snap your legs closed as the sensations start to vibrate against your clit. You can feel the eyes of your class-mates on you and your eyes widen at Van, trying to hold your body still as the toy buzzes inside you, silent to the ear and invisible to those around you, but blaring out to your body, threatening to drag you into a realm of pleasure that you won't be able to disguise.

"You mean you weren't listening, hmm?"

His voice has a stern edge but you can discern the hint of amusement, a challenge dancing in his eyes as you realise the hand casually hidden in his jacket pocket is what's controlling this thing. And it feels good... so damn fucking good, the delicious pulse inside of you, the concentrated vibrations on your aching clit. If only you weren't sat in a lecture room full of unsuspecting students, you'd be writhing in your seat right now.

You shake your head, not daring yourself to speak for fear of letting out a moan, hoping Van will take pity on you and lessen the sensations, or at least divert the attention away. He's not feeling merciful though, the vibrations ramping up steadily until you can feel your legs quivering under the table, inescapable waves of pleasure starting to ebb and flow between your thighs. Your heart's racing, your cheeks on fire.

"Speak up Y/N. If there's something else more interesting taking your attention then I'm sure we'd all like to hear about it."


You squirm in your seat, tipping your hips forward, trying to relieve the pressure but there's no respite. You can feel your walls clenching around the toy, reacting automatically, your panties drenched with your arousal, your clit throbbing in a way that makes you want to throw your head back and just let go.

But you can't. All you can do is sit there, eyes fixed firmly on Van, a plea in them that he blatantly ignores, his fingers toying with the controls, playing your body like an instrument for his own amusement.

"Nothing... it's... ohhh... nothing..." you manage, aware that your voice sounds breathy and strained, hearing a few scattered murmurs and titters from the rows behind, a pointed snigger from Erica who you daren't look at.

Van releases you from his gaze as he finally turns away, continuing his lecture, but there's no relief for you. The vibrations just intensify until you're sure they must be on full throttle. You almost cry out, your knee knocking against the desk leg as ecstasy threatens to sweep you away in the most powerful of orgasms.

Forbidden (Catfish and the Bottlemen AU)Where stories live. Discover now