2019 august 21st.

3 0 0

Eve (third person).

She was broken. Her marriage was broken. And she didn't know how to fix it.

He had broken every promise he made to her at that venue. Although she couldn't blame him, it still hurt.

Eve began to cut up the various amount of veggies in front of her, pushing the painful thoughts away.

She winced as she sliced her ring finger with the knife, she looked down at the cut, observing it. Smiling when she took notice of the ring on her hand.

It had stuck out. The beautiful gem shining as if good as new. It didn't matter that it was years old. She didn't care. Because to her, she still felt as if she were a newly wed.

The door creaked as it opened and Asher waltzed in. She stared at him in awe of his beauty. She loved him no matter what. And nothing was going to changed that.

It didn't matter to her that he would come home with lipstick marks on his neck and collar. It didn't matter to her that he always smelled like the cheap stench of Victoria secret bare vanilla.

She still loved him.

And yes, maybe it was breaking her apart. But that didn't matter because she knew, somewhere deep in him. He loved her just as much as he did years ago. Maybe even more now that they're married.

"Ash, aren't you going to eat with me?" Eve asked him, eyes full of hope.

"No, why would I?" His voice was distant, cold.

"Oh" Eve still had hope in him though.

All she wanted was to inform him of her diagnosis.

She most likely wouldn't make it.

Although she was confident that he would care, right?

Nope, not at all.

"I-I just w-wanted to tell you something important, it's okay though, I understand. Your tired and want to re-"

"I do, now I'll be going out for a few hours. Don't wait up." He interrupted her, coldly, his voice full of hatred even.

"Wait!" She attempted to stop him for just a few minutes.

"Oh fuck off Eve. You shouldn't care as much as you do. You're still living in this fantasy that I care. You know I don't. You're at least as smart as that."

That hurt. She knows he was right. And that's what hurts the most.

The fact he can act like it isn't bothering him as well. It feels like a kick to the chest.

Especially when he slams the door in her face, narrowly missing her fingers.

She flinched at his anger towards her.

She didn't understand it.

It had to be unjustified. She tried her best in this marriage.

She did not know what she had done wrong.

That night Eve spent crying. She cried and cried wondering. How would she live like this for the rest of her life?

Surely she wouldn't have to right?

He would change. She felt it. They would be happy all over again. She knew. Just wait

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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