Once she had finished, she started rummaging through the small first aid kit from the ship. 

"Let me see..." She held out her hand and he sighed, pulling back his waterproof. She gently took his arm, earning a seethe of pain. "I'm sorry..." 

"It's okay..." 

In the light of the fire she could see that his wrist was swollen, the skin bruised, but that was mostly from the debris that had fallen on him. "Can you move your fingers?" 

He tried, his fingers moving just barely and still earning a wince. He was clearly trying to play it down but that wasn't going to work on her. Still, he was relaxed in her company and trusting of her care. "It's definitely broken... Why didn't you say anything?"

"It's not a big deal. I could sort it on my own." 

She looked up at him, completely unconvinced. "You know that's not true." she said, opening up a bandage and giving him a sympathetic smile. Everything in him froze for a moment. "Please don't be scared to ask me for help...or anyone." 

"We'll see." 

"Sir, honestly-" 

"Don't worry about me, Latt." 

"Of course I worry." she said, starting to wrap the bandage around his hand, holding it so gently. "This won't be very supportive but it's something."

"...Thank you." he mumbled awkwardly, keeping his eyes on what she was doing. "You're very kind for...helping and such." 

"Well, at the very least it's my job to care, but mostly you're my friend, or we're friendly, and I care for you. Just as you said you did for me. Whether that still applies, I don't know." 

"Of course it does." he said as she re-laid a bit of bandage, wrapping it around his wrist. "What would I do without you?" 

She met his eyes now, a gentle smile appearing at the sincerity of the words and the truthfulness in his eyes, though he'd never say anything more than what he had. But that was their relationship. It was stronger than most he had, but still, it would never be anything more, as much as that hurt to admit. "Indeed..."

"I'm sure Kewlieu will be missing you...wondering where you are." he said, fixing his eyes back on her work. 

Her heart sunk at the mention, a shiver running through her. She hadn't wanted to think about it, about Grace, and what she must be thinking and feeling. Of course, like everybody else, she would assume the worst. Their lack of contact would be damning and whilst the rest of the ship would move on and adjust quickly enough, Grace would be...struggling to say the least. And without the general there to fight her corner on Bailee's behalf, her adjustment was likely to be extremely difficult. 

She shook her head, fighting off those thoughts. They'd get back...soon enough. In retaliation to his statement she said: "I'm sure Lady Axos will be missing you also." 

He froze a little, pulled away from the tenderness of their interaction by the mention of the name. "I'm sure she'll assume I'm dead, much like the rest of the Order." 

"I suppose they will..." Though that much was obvious. "She'll be upset, then?" 

"Perhaps," he replied, unconvincingly. "Perhaps not." That was more convincing." She has no reason or obligation to be. I'm sure someone else will happily take my place there." 

"She doesn't love you?" she asked, although of course she knew the answer, keeping her eyes on her task. This was just the most tender discussion they'd ever had on the subject. 

The fire crackled gently whilst he replied, eyes glinting with that distant pain as the flames danced. "It would be nice to imagine she did but...I'm not that optimistic, and let's not pretend I have any attachment either... Like I say she has no reason to." He looked over at her for a moment then away. "I know it's for connections and power, and that's okay. I understand." 

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