Are the Gifts Gone?

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Agustin was at the stove trying to cook something for Julieta as a surprise. 'She's going to love this' Agustin thought. Camilo walked by the kitchen sneakily using his telekinesis to bring an apple to him. 'I'll admit she would like that' Camilo thought as he took a bite and went up to his room.

He stayed in his room for 20 minutes before he thought of something. 'Wait I probably shouldn't leave him alone in the kitchen' Camilo thought as he went back down there. "Hey" Camilo said and Agustin took notice of it. "Oh yes Camilo" Agistin replied while still cooking. "What are you doing?" Camilo asked, although he already knew the answer.

"Oh well I'm making sow food for your Tia as a surprise" Agustin replied. "That's nice, I think she'll like it," Camilo replied. Agustin smiled and continued to cook for a while while Camilo stayed in the living room to keep an eye on him. After a while as predicted something caught on fire.

"AH-" Agustin yelled while holding the burning pan as far away as possible. 'As expected' Camilo thought as he snapped his fingers and used pyrokinesis to put the fire out. "Huh that's strange" Agustin said and then the house started shaking for a moment.

'No not again' Camilo thought as he teleported to the candle. The flame on it was out and he was having to use telekinesis to hold the house together. 'This is really bad no one has their gifts anymore most likely' Camilo thought.

Camilo tried to relight the candle flame but It didn't work as his glasses broke. 'I only have one choice left' Camilo thought as he set his hands on the floor of Casita. 'Casita resume your original state' Camilo thought as he tried turning back time on the house.

Luckily that one worked and his glasses were also fixed. 'That was way too close' Camilo thought as he put his glasses back on. He walked over to look at all of the doors to make sure they were all intact and so were the rooms.

'That's good' Camilo thought as he went back downstairs to think about what happened until he heard Agustin talking. 'Why did it all get uncooked randomly?' Agustin thought and began to cook it again. Camilo ignored his thoughts, being too tired to deal with it right now.

He sat on the couch tired after having to do that. 'Good grief that was more tiring than normal' Camilo thought. Since he had to reset time on magic and by extension his whole family and his glasses that took a lot out of him.

He sat on the couch spaced out for a while until his family came home. "I told you my cloud just disappeared for a few minutes even though I was still upset," Pepa said. "And I lost my super hearing for a few minutes as well," Dolores said.
'Oh brother,' Camio thought as Luisa Chimed in. "Yeah and I lost my super strength while trying to move a table for someone, '' Luisa stated. The family started thinking about what could have caused that to happen. "Could the candle have gone out?" Mirabel asked. "If the candle went out then the gifts wouldn't have come back and the house would be down" Bruno said as Camilo looked at them.

"Oh Camilo, when did you get here?" Pepa asked. "Been here the whole time" Camilo replied as he fully got up. He walked over to his family pretending to not know what their talking about. "So what about your gifts?" Camilo asked.

"Everyone apparently lost theirs for a moment" Julieta said "Did you lose yours?" "Not sure," Camilo said. "I didn't feel different but I wasn't actively using it either" Camilo said with a shrug.

"I wasn't using mine either" Isabella said. "So I don't think we can put in any valid points" "We'll get to the bottom of this" Mirabel said.

"Casita, can you tell us what happened?" Mirabel asked but Casita didn't tell her. "Strange but hey where's dad" Isabella asked. "He's busy right now" Camilo replied "Also Camilo can you go tell your Abuela what happened" Felix asked. "Sure" Camilo replied as he left Casita.

'The more time I spend away from them in this situation the better' Camilo thought as he walked down to where his Abuela was. Sure he could teleport there but it would be way too suspicious if he got back too early especially at a time like this.

"Abuela" Camilo said when he saw her. "Yes Camilo" Alma replied. "We need you back at the house," Camilo said. "Why what happened?" Alma replied confused. "Everyone is saying they lost their gifts for a moment," Camilo said.

"That's not good," Alma said as she and Camilo started walking back to Casita. Once they arrived everyone looked at them. "What's happening?" Alma asked.

After getting a rundown of what's happening she started to think. 'Did Casita just have a little hiccup?' Alma thought. 'Nope' Camilo thought. "Maybe Casita thought you all were using your gifts too much?" Mirabel suggested "Maybe" Isabella said.

Camilo used this as a chance to use mind control to make them all think that Mirabel's answer was the correct one. "I think Mirabel was right," Alma said. "It does sound believable," Luisa said.

After they all agreed and eventually went their separate ways Camilo went to his room and used clairvoyance. He made sure Agustin didn't light anything on fire again and after he finished the meal. He also watched Agustin take the meal to Julieta.

"This is for you," Agustin said as he handed Julieta the food. "Oh thank you dear" Julieta said as she started eating. "Well he finally got it to her" Camilo thought as he stopped using clairvoyance. And looked at his wall. "Sorry for taking out the flame" Camilo said and Casita said that they forgave him. '"And if your wondering why this chapter is longer it's because it's celebrating that in on AO3 now'"

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