Why Psychics Can't Have A Holly Jolly Christmas

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‘“Oh great it’s Christmas usually I'm as excited as can be for it but this year is different since I have my new psychic powers I already know what everyone including me got and it's not even Christmas yet‘“

Camilo was at the table with his family eating breakfast.

Sitting across from him was Mirabel who noticed how distant he’s been recently. ‘Something is off with Camilo’ Mirabel thought. ‘He's been really distant lately’ She took a bite of her food. ‘It’s Christmas and he shouldn't feel like this I’ll find out what it is and help him’

‘Good grief now I have to deal with that today’ Camilo thought.

After breakfast he went into the living room and stayed there for a while. ‘“oh and also just because this is a christmas chapter doesn't mean that i've aged up to 16 im still 15 throughout all this’”

After a while Mirabel came into the living room also and sat down beside Camilo. “Hey Camilo can I ask you something?” Mirabel said. “Yeah what is it?” Camilo asked although he already knew what she was going to ask.

“You've been really distant lately. You haven't been your usual talkative self and haven't shown any emotion. Are you ok?” Mirabel asked. She was really worried for her cousin.

“Yeah I'm fine,” Camilo replied. ‘That's what being a psychic does to a person’ Camilo thought.

Mirabel didn’t believe it. “Alright.” Mirabel said as she got up and walked off. ‘That’s not the end of her’ Camilo thought. ‘She’s going to follow me around today’

And just as expected as Camilo went into town she went there too. ‘I have to know what’s bothering him’ Mirabel thought.

The town was covered in Christmas decorations and everyone was cheering loudly in their heads. ‘This is why I almost never come here now’ Camilo thought as he entered the town square. He hates going there but he knew it would be the best way to naturally lose Mirabel.

Usually he would just teleport away to the desert but that would be too obvious that he just vanished. So he resorted to going into a crowd of people to lose her.

After a while he lost her but he was so focused on her that he ran into his little brother Antonio and his father Felix.

“Hey Camilo” Antonio said while waving at him. “We got you a christmas hat”

Camilo stared at them but reluctantly put on the hat since he knew there would be trouble if he didnt. It was uncomfortable around his limiters but he had no choice. It was a common Santa hat with an extra fluffy ball on the tip of it.

“Thanks” Camilo said as he adjusted it to make it slightly more comfortable. Right as he did that he got a sudden headache and had a Precognition of someone's house burning down. ‘That’s not good’ Camilo thought.

“I've got somewhere to go now Feliz Navdad you two” Camilo said as he walked off.

‘Feliz Navidad” Antonio and Felix said at the same time. “Jinx” Antonio said and Felix laughed.

As soon as he was alone Camilo teleported to right outside the person’s house and looked inside. No one was home and they had left their Christmas tree lights on. ‘Common mistake’ Camilo thought as he used his electrokinesis to shut off the lights.

After that he left and went to Casita to relax when he saw Luisa trying to set up their christmas tree and carry all three parts at once but didn't have enough arm room to carry all three.

“Come on” Luisa mumbled to herself when suddenly she was able to lift them. “Hey hey” Luisa said as she went to set up the tree. What she didn’t know was that Camilo was using telekinesis to hold the final part up for her.

He looked at her putting up the tree for a moment then he went to his room where his telepathy heard Pepa and Felix thinking about what they had got their kids.

‘It’s not like I haven't been spoiled on it anyway’ Camilo thought as he went into his room. And eventually teleported to the desert to not have to hear anymore spoilers that he already knew.

‘I'll go back in an hour’ Camilo thought as he used sand and pyrokinesis to make himself a chair and began to read the book he brought. He had a feeling that a lot of Christmase are going to be like this from now on.

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