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Pepa’s day could not go any worse.

First this morning she was reading a very good book but she had accidentally spilled water on the pages and couldn't get it dry in time so now it's ruined and she got drenched by the raincloud that it had caused.

“Why did this have to happen?” Pepa said as she walked off to calm herself down and left her now ruined book on the table.

Camilo walked up to it and picked it up examining how wet the book got.

“Wow this really did get ruined how much water ended up on it?” Camilo said as he looked over the pages. The ink was smeared to the point you couldn’t even read it anymore.

“I’ll fix it for her. She really loved this book,” Camilo said as he closed the book. “Book resume your original state”

Right after Camilo said that the book started to get fixed. The pages were no longer wet and the ink was readable again. It looked just like it did yesterday.

‘The bookmark went back a day but I think that Mami can handle it more than not having the book anymore’ Camilo thought as he set the book down. Then a certain thought process made Itself known in his telepathy. 'Oh that isn't good,’ Camilo thought as Pepa burst through the doors of Casita.

“UGH could this day go ANY worse for me” Pepa complained to herself as she walked up to the bathroom to go shower.

‘“She fell face first into mud in case you were wondering’”

After Pepa’s shower she went back into town hoping to find something to cheer her up.

“The town often makes me feel better so i'll just go here” Pepa said to herself.

She was walking around looking at plants and art when she overheard a conversation that made her mad.

“That Camilo kid is acting really weird like he isn't as active as he was before” A random old lady said. “Yeah he’s been distant this last week, his mother should make him talk to others more” An old man said Presumably the girl's husband.

“WHY do you care if he's being “distant” or not” Pepa said to the two talking about her son.

“Why haven't you made him talk to people?” The woman said, looking at Pepa in annoyance. “It’s important”

“He usually is talkative. Maybe his social battery has just run out for now and he needs a little space,” Pepa replied a little harshly. She was mad that these people were talking about her son like this.

“My mother made me talk to people everyday no matter if I wanted to or not” the man said to Pepa.

“Well i'm not YOUR mother i'm Camilo's mother and I decide how I raise him” Pepa snapped back. Her cloud was growing bigger and bigger.

“Whatever you're just a bad mother” The woman said as the two of them walked away.

That's when Pepa had enough.

Her tornado was huge and it should have caused a lot of damage. Felix had shown up to help calm her down but not even he was helping much.

“Breathe Mi Vadia it’s going to be ok” Felix said to reassure her.

“First my day goes bad NOW this tornado will…….. Wait why isn't the tornado moving” Pepa said as she looked at the tornado.

“What do you mean by that?” Felix asked as he looked up to see the tornado in the distance.

The tornado was spinning but it wasn't moving an inch.

“It's Incredible” Felix said happily “It's a blessing”

‘Correction it would be your son' Camilo thought as he held the tornado in place.

‘Man why did those adults care? I mean I couldn't care less about their opinion on me but I can't say the same about Mami’ Camilo thought.

He was there for several minutes as Pepa calmed down and the tornado eventually disappeared.

‘Well that takes care of that’ Camilo thought as he went off to get some arepas.

And Pepa was finally happy for once today.

The Disastrous Life Of Camilo M REBOOTED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin