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“My name is Camilo Madrigal and I have Psychic Superpowers”

Now I know what you're thinking “Haven't I read that line before” Well the answer would be yes. This is a reboot of the first version of my story because the author isn't happy with how the first version is turning out so I’m getting a new writing style and a reboot, along with some additional changes.

First I’ll most likely talk to you every chapter and the chapters will be a lot longer.

Also how I got my powers is now more fleshed out.

I still woke up with them a week ago but now I’ve realized that I've faintly had them my whole life.

I’ve always been able to run a little faster than others, jump a little higher, punch a little harder and I’ve also now realized I’ve heard a few rouge thoughts throughout my life before these powers fully manifested.

I haven't told my family because I don't know how they would react to me telling them about my new powers so to them I only have my gift.

I also don’t want them to feel unspecial because I have similar powers to most of my family now I’ll provide a list below.


That's a huge chunk of my family right there.

Now you’re probably wondering how Dolores doesn't know.

The answer is that I erased her memory and her brain auto-filled in the morning so now she thinks that the morning wasn't eventful and was a basic morning.

These powers aren't from Casita but Casita did create my new limiters and glasses which help me control these new powers.

Also not every chapter from the original will be rewritten it'll probably just be the chapter “Tornado”

Also here is a guide for all of the different ways of communication in the chapters
‘This’ is thinking
“This” is talking
‘“This’” is me talking to you

And I mainly speak telepathically so it will be specified if I use my voice.

I’ll keep this introduction short since you all have probably already read it so thats it for the intro.

The Disastrous Life Of Camilo M REBOOTED Where stories live. Discover now