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Max tried not to grin as the Brit's brain was trying to comprehend what he had just been told, Max could basically see the cogs turning in his head. 

"Wh- Huh?" Was Lewis's dignified response.

Max decided to give some more info, "Toto adopted me when Jos abandoned me at a petrol/gas/service station, I kind of wandered into his life." He looks at his dad, grateful for what the team principle had done for him. Lewis looked back and for between the two, Max could hear his mum snickering off to the side.

Max looked over to Susie and saw he looking at her phone, he shuffled over to her and peeked over her shoulder to see her replaying a video she had just taken, it started when Toto started admitting why they were there and ended with Lewis's reaction.

"Can you send that to me?" Max whispered to his mum, Lewis and Toto were now locked in a deep looking conversation on the other side of the room. Suddenly another knock came at the door. Max stood up to answer it again.

The face that greeted Max on the other side of the door was a confused looking Australian Honey Badger.

"Daniel? What are you doing here?" Max asked, surprised. Daniel suddenly looked a little sheepish.

"Well, I uh- When Lewis hadn't come home I looked at his location and it led me here." Daniel admitted. Max gave him a look before letting him enter. They walk back into the lounge again, side-by-side. Susie was the first to spot them, she also looked a little confused, overall this day was turning out to be incredibly confusing.

"Daniel?" Came Susie's voice. "What are you doing here?"

The mention of Daniel's name cause Lewis to turn around, breaking him out of whatever conversation he seemed to be trapped in with Toto. "Daniel?" The Brit repeated.

The Australian wandered over to his Boyfriend? Husband? Partner? Max had never actually asked. He only knew they were dating at some point, but if they were married Max definitely would have been invited, right? Daniel would of trusted him, they were close friends, right?

Max dragged himself out of that line of thoughts and turned his attention back to the younger couple that stood in the room, Toto was watching the interaction closely, when Daniel whispered something into Lewis's ear and gave him a small kiss on the cheek Toto simply nodded, as if he knew what had been going on the entire time.

Max moved and sat down next to his mum, who smiled and started speaking to Max while the other three were caught up in conversation.

"So, Leclerc seemed interested in what you were doing, and messaged Lewis that Toto and I were here." She nudged her son.

"Yeah, he saw you enter, he might have just been looking and became curious!" Max defended the Monegasque.

"So he messaged Lewis? Instead of messaging you? Almost like he didn't want to be caught spying on you, like he was doing it on purpose." Susie raised an eyebrow, a grin on her face. Max's face flushed red.

"Mama, it's nothing, he's just like that sometimes." Max brushed her off. He turned his attention back to the other three in the room. "Daniel, Lewis, could you leave, I want to spend time with my family, also please don't tell anyone about this." Max asked, his mum gave him a look, he continued. "Please."

An awkward silence fell over the room for a second before Daniel moved towards the front door. "C'mon Lewis, we should go." He grabbed his partner's hand, pulling the Brit along with him. The couple left, leaving the family of three behind them.

"Max, that is no way to treat guests, even if you know them so well." His dad reprimanded, Max shrunk back into the sofa before shrugging.

"I barely get any time with you both, I didn't want them here." Max responded. "Also it's my house!"

Toto's frown deepened. "Max, I get you want to spend time with me and your mum, but you shouldn't kick out people like that." He gestured towards the door. After a bit of back forth a knock sounded at the door, freezing their argument. Max sighed. "What now?" He mumbled to himself.

Max slammed the door open to the face of a surprised Charles Leclerc. Max's eyes widened at the sight of the man.

"Oh, hey Charles, uh, sorry. For the, uh door slam. Thought you were... Not you?" Max fumbled the words out. Charles hesitated for a moment.

"I was just wondering what was going on. You seem to be having a party I wasn't invited to." Charles replied, his face seemed to flush a red colour.

"NO-pe." Max's voice cracked. "Nope, no party just... uh catch up."

Max couldn't believe how awkward this conversation was getting. After another moment of silence Max felt a presence from behind him, he looked over his shoulder and saw his mum standing there.

"Ah, Charles, come in. That's what Max was trying to say." Susie Wolff jumped into the conversation, Max flew around and stared wide-eyed at him mum. What the hell was she trying to do? Especially after Max just told his parents he wanted to spend time with them and not someone else.

Sorry this has taken so long, again. I'm trying to figure out where to bring this book... again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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