"You've Proven Yourself Worthy" Chapter 13

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(Shout outs!!:)



(A few weeks later..)

Veneer explained everything that has happened weeks ago for you understand what has happened you found your self to give him another chance because you have a kind heart and soul. One of you has got to come up with a plan to save Floyd and stop this madness.

"Let's go make everything right." Veneer came up with a plan to track where his sister went and where she put Floyd.

"What's the plan Mr. Popstar?" You asked.

"Well, I might have installed a tracking device to my sister's phone.. I got an idea shes somewhere near of those abandoned houses which is stupid because she might get haunted.. -"

"Why are you still worried about her when she CLEARLY made you use the troll also."You shrug.

"Technically, she's still my sister I can still be worries for her.. And she did NOT made me use the troll for talent I can admit I was also greedy.." Veneer sighs and pulls out his phone to see where Velvet is now.

"Looks like she went in to a bar im going to go find her.. If you want to help come with me."

"Looks like someone had proven themselves worthy, okay then I'm in." You teamed up with him and searched for Velvet .

Luckily Veneer knows how to drive and goes in your car and waits for you to come in. As you got in the car he drives but there's ONE problem here in mount rageous there's many bars, oh boy.. You and him are gonna get lost for sure.

But first of Veneer stops and gets out the car leaving you confused, you start to wonder why and also got out the car.

"Veneer, why did you stop?"

"I gotta tell my fans that.. All of.. Our lies I mean me and my sister's lies that we've been scamming them.. For having zero talent and "abusing" little trolls for talent."Veneer pulls out his phone and goes on his social media.

"But Veneer!! You'll get arrested!!.." You worry about him.

"I may get arrested but it's right to do the right thing and not keep it all to ourselves I admit I was a fraud like my sister we just wanted fame and nothing more."

"Veneer.." You paused a bit.

"You've Proven Yourself Worthy.."

Veneer smiles at you and posted the message on his socials to let everyone know he and Velvet's actions which IS the right thing to do.. Admit your crimes with  guilt and regret, confess your sin with one another and may everyone hate with a REASON. Some may forgive and forget but according to Bible.. Love Your Enemies.

You and Veneer splited ways to go look for Velvet you tried find her in one bar but to your surprise she wasn't there, you wondered if Veneer had found Velvet.

Meanwhile with Veneer, he seems to have found himself struggling into finding his own sister although he saw one of her earrings, he went to go over the earring to check and to see if it's Velvet' s luckily it was he rushed inside the bar and saw Velvet holding onto Floyd.

"VELVET!" He shouted.

Velvet saw him and immediately ran away Veneer follows Velvet and runs towards her. "No escaping now sister.." Eventually while Velvet was running you blocked her and Veneer also blocked her way.

"Just give us Floyd." Veneer was brave enough to stand up for his sister.

"It's too late now Velvet your brother posted a message in all socials of what you tea had done." You explained what Veneer has done while she was away.

"Never!!" She runs to a different way fast, you now decided to chase her while talking to her.

"You can change!! And I know that!! This is for- the best!! You and Brother can face all your punishments!! Just give us Floyd, so that all of this won't get worse!! I'm telling you Velvet!! I know your parents are dissapointed, but PLEASE!!" You shouted.

Velvet stopped. "You're right.. NOT" she ran away still and you chased her again, you felt like this was a never ending chase.

After awhile Velvet successfully ran away and you were lost but your lucky because Veneer followed you.

"Damn it! I lost her.." You pant because you were tired from running and chasing Velvet.

"There's got to be a way to convince her somehow! She's your sister right? You should know.."

"I don't know, I don't know!.." He panicked.

"We only have limited time left! If we don't convince Velvet you might have to deal this yourself! Because they are gonna arrest me too y'know?.." Veneer sighs and just sits on the road side.

You also didn't know what to do since Veneer's plan didn't work out.. For now.. But you've got an idea.

"Veneer I have a plan."

"Huh? What is it..?"

"When the guards arrive at your house to arrest you let's say we are going to find Velvet first we might have a chance to you know.. Have the time to find her."

"They might not listen.." Veneer worries.

"C'mon Ven.. We can do this.. All we have to do is convince the guards and let them give us more time to find your sister Velvet."

"Fine.. If you say so.."

A few hours later you and Veneer went home to get some rest after a long day of chasing Velvet, there must be a way to convince her to give Floyd back so their situation doesn't get any worker, because if it gets worser the higher the chance Velvet And Veneer might have an punishment. Veneer at his house sobbing because he doesn't know what to do anymore he thought about those memories he had with his own sister he just wishes that she'll give up and give Floyd so that all this madness would stop.

On your side you were stressed about thinking what will you say to the guard you came up with the plan but you didn't even know what to do! You tried making a scratch that wouldn't work stupid, you keep walking back and forth but you've come up with nothing your mind is blank you can't think straight even your sanity is decreasing you start going crazy and you remember your doing this only for your best friend.. Veneer he was the only one who stayed by your side despite he still loves his sister you've given him a lot of chances you wish to hope that he wouldn't just leave you with all his problems then waits for you to fix it, no he is not that kind of person you've experienced getting used by many people that you've love in your life but Veneer is just different and that's why you agreed to help him with his sister's situation but you don't know what to do you are afraid to dissapoint your own best friend.

"Ughh!! Come one think think think!!!" You are now stressed and decided to go for a research on how to convince someone looks like your going to school again ugh.

Veneer calls you on the phone once you heard your ringtone you immediately answered his call.

"Need anything?"

"The guards are here.."

"Oh no.."

(That's all for today I'm sorry I couldn't make it long hehe.. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!)

(1238 words!!)

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