"Confusion" Chapter 4

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Request by somebody who commented on my previous. (Thank you, you saved my life💖)

Another day, another stressful and confusing day.

Velvet and Veneer's Boss called out for them. Velvet styling her hair while yelling at Crimp, and Veneer sitting on the couch looking at makeup deals on sale magazines.

"Velvet and Veneer come here to my office at 6pm I have an important announcement to make for both of you."

Their boss said on the phone.

"What could that be?" Veneer questioned.

"Well how am I supposed to know!" Velvet replied.

"Gee.. - I'm not even asking you-" Veneer said but got interrupted by Velvet.

"CRIMP! Style my hair! I'm struggling here you useless piece of shi-" Velvet said while getting cut off by Veneer.

"Woah! Woah! Easy there sis, no need to get foul on crimp even she really is useless-" Veneer said.

Crimp crying in a corner. (Poor crimp not like I care anyways🥰)

"Ugh! Crimp! What are you waiting for hurry up its literally 4pm me and Veneer have an meeting with our boss later at 7pm!! Hurry up!!" Velvet whined.

"It's actually 6 pm so-" Veneer got cutted off by Velvet.

"Shush, CRIMP! HURRY UP!!" Velvet groaned and lays her head

"I'm on it.. -!!" Crimp said nervously and styles Velvets hair.

1 hour later.

"We better go now, let's go bro." Velvet in a hurry.

"I'm on it, Crimp! Lead us the way!!" Veneer yelled.

"O-okay!!" Crimp follows their orders and leaded them to their boss's office.

Velvet and Veneer entered their boss's office and surprised to see their boss this happy.

"Congratulations Velvet and Veneer, you two are voted to go have an a performance somewhere far off." Their boss smiles.

"Really!?" Veneer replied, then Velvet suddenly elbowed him and giving him the look "Don't be too excited".

As their boss continues to talk,

"You may bring someone special for y'alls performance tomorrow on 4pm."

"4PM!?!?" Veneer shocked while Velvet elbowed him again but harder this time.

Velvet now speaks in a calm tone.

"Why thank you Sir, we gladly appreciate your offer but we don't have anybody to bring wi-" Velvet was cutted off by Veneer.

"Actually we do.." Veneer said.

"Wait! What!? Who!?? This better not be a street rat Veneer I'm gonna finna kick yo as-" She got cutted off again by Veneer.

"It's (insert name).. " Veneer said calmly.

"Oh, why didn't you say so? (Insert name) is always welcome!" She changed up quickly since she know you were an Model, a famous one.

"Welp you two are dismissed! You may go home now." Their boss replied.

Time skip.

Velvet and Veneer going to the place where their boss wanted them to be performing at 4pm bring (insert name) along the side.
As they walk through the crowd people were wondering.. Why we're you there..?

A lot we're getting confused and a lot were starting to think (Insert name) and Veneer are dating. You and Veneer suddenly felt confused on why the heck are there many people looking at them two it's not like their looking at them because their famous or something like that, their looking at them smirking.

You and Veneer were so confused you started whispering to him.

"Uh, Veneer why are the people look at us like.. That.." You asked.

"I don't know but their creeping me out.. To be honest my honest reaction would be like "I'm outta here" or something like that." Veneer replied.

He was also confused as you are, You two were pretty weirdened out by the people smirking at at y'alls faces.

As the three of you went into the apartment the one who owns the hotel said there were only 2 rooms left so you had to stay in with Veneer for a few days.

Velvet agreed with no complaint since she really wanted a room by herself. You and Veneer in the room putting y'alls clothes in the closet and getting ready for the performance. You were only just an support backup for them so you don't get to be on stage but instead you sit at the front row V.I.P since Veneer appreciated you being there for him.

Time skip. At their performance, Velvet and Veneer ready for stage and the fans started cheering for them in the crowd. During their performance you kinda noticed Veneer glancing at you while he was performing and the fans also noticed this too and started shipping the two of you and thinking that the two of you we're officially dating at this point since the two of you were popular celebrities.

The fans started yelling.
"POPSTAR X MODEL!" repeating it over and over again.

You and Veneer we're so confused on what are the fans on about, the fans started pushing you around and bringing you to the stage.

"What the.. -" you said.

While Veneer was trying to call security but can't because the security will also take you away he really wanted you to be on stage so he just let the fans do what they do.

Velvet also trying to call security but Veneer stopped her.

"Shh.., let them be.." Veneer said.

"Veneer whatever your on about, this better not be your stupid mindsets again!" Velvet yelled.

"Ya can't stop me for choosing my destiny sis~" He teased Velvet

"What the fuck is you talkin about-" Velvet got cutted of by fans screaming.

You were officially pushed onto the stage you were also on the spotlight. The fans started going crazy and pulled out their phones and cameras to take pictures and selfies of them. The fans were saying and yelling:

"KISS! KISS!! KISS!!!" The fans said non-stop and repeatedly over and over again.

You and Veneer just got more even confused they both knew that the two of you weren't even dating, they whispered to each other.

"What are we going to do!?!? -" Veneer panicked.

"I don't know!?!? And I know they're not gonna stop if we don't do it!! And btw I don't want getting my first kiss yet you know how to pretend right??" You replied.

"Great idea! We'll just lie to our fans and focus on faking everything!" He said sarcastically.

You gave him the "Are you fucking serious rn?" Look.

"Ok! Fine. I know I know I also don't want my first kiss yet! But I don't want to lie to our fans!!" He said worriedly.

"Well there's no way to find out so.. "

(To be continued!)

Hehe.. Sorry guys I ran out of ideas

(1095 words!)

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