"Do It For 𝗣𝗼𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆" Chapter 7

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(Tysm for 1k reads!!💟💟)

A few weeks has passed..

Velvet and Veneer had an performance, as usual Veneer was glancing at you a couple of times on the stage even tho you weren't apart of the performance that fans bought it up for rumors, gossips and juicy unwanted stories.

After their performance you were about to head home but then Veneer approached you and pulled you in for a hug, then fans started taking pictures. He slightly pushes you away as if he's doing all of this just for Popularity.

But something caught your suspicion Veneer wasn't acting like this before, he suddenly posed with you to the fans. After the fans took some pictures he walks away leaving you alone.

"Huh.. Strange, he suddenly cares for his Popularity.. He's up to something.." You said to yourself.

You were walking home but suddenly you spotted Veneer with a bunch of Fans. The crowd were saying:


"I wish I was you!"

Veneer chuckles and speaks with a calm tone:

"Why yes, I am dating a famous model" he said proudly.

You looked at him with disgust. This is not the Veneer that you know, it's kinda weird he cares for fame by now, I mean as if he didn't care for fame so he could buy his "Stuff".

He did care for Fame but it's different he's kinda like Velvet now, obsessed... You didn't like this side of him but you just decided to ignore it.

(Time skip..)

Time has passed by now you and Veneer haven't interacted for weeks now. As if he was avoiding you, he was now always Velvet's side and he looks like he had been hypnotized by all the fame he's getting.

One day you saw him in the mall buying stuffs he wants, you saw him buying trinkets and a lot of expensive stuff. You also noticed before his room were full of those "trinkets" he is kind of greedy for trinkets to be honest.

Veneer saw you and he tried to avoid you but you grabbed his arm. Your grip wasn't that hard so he easily got away, you just couldn't give up and chased him and you successfully grabbed him with a tighter grip this time.

"Veneer! Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong to you!?!?" You yelled.

"Chillax, were not even official we only lied and besides I'm just enjoying all my fame through all my life these days you can't stop me." He said in a calm tone.

"So don't act like we are an couple, it doesn't mean I'm your bestfriend it doesn't mean I can't ignore you" he added.

"Your not the Veneer I know! What happened to you why do you suddenly care for fame!" You yelled.

"Pfft, honey it's not like I didn't like fame I'm always like this! I mean how will I get all these stuff if I don't got no fame? No fame no money, no money no stuff!" He said.

"Popularity isn't all about money it's also about caring! You suddenly ghosting me making me feel broken, I know we're not a couple but we're best friends you can't just ignore me like that!" You said almost tearing up.

Veneer got mad and frustrated by your actions which can form his words into an argument.

"So what!? I can ignore you all I want try me. It's not like you can't stop me cause I'm your friend and friends don't hate eachother." He said.

"Your not gonna get away with this Veneer not at all!" You started walking away.

"Go on, cry about it! That's what you always do!" He yelled.

You went home with tears in your eyes you can't believe Veneer was acting like this to you. You took all his pictures and threw it in the trash and you also threw away those disc's of all Veneer's song to avoid stress.

You saw your diary, you started ripping all the pages out of anger you were forming angry tears and started banging for head on the wall making you head bleed you felt depressed and stupid for falling for an twink you truly loved from the past.

You felt betrayed by him it hurts more than an best friend betrayal it's hurts like as if he was your Boyfriend asking you to break up with him. You couldn't take it anymore and you pulled a knife out and started cutting yourself. You felt the urge to kill yourself at the moment but you stopped because you were too young to die.

You just cried it all out in your bed your makeup were so smudged up your hands arms were bleeding your tears won't stop. You looked in the mirror and saw your reflection you thought to yourself that you weren't pretty enough for him you smashed the mirror into pieces by hand making your hands bleed more you took one of the mirror pieces and started slicing your face a bit, you were left with 2 scars on your face. You didn't wanna change your clothes so you just slept with angry tears not wanting to wake up anymore and just die

His words hurt more than you could ever imagined it to be, he was so important to you, you felt like a hopeless romantic like in the past. You didn't want both of y'alls friendship to end since you really really loved him, it kinda looks like he doesn't even wanna apologize to you.

A few days later Veneer was looking for you everywhere since you two had a shooting his face turned into a worry since he regretted what he said at the mall. He kept searching and searching for you but he was unsuccessful. He didn't even mean those words he was all just drowned by all the fame he's having he wasn't used to it and it took over his body and making him greedy for all the things he's doing.

He tears up expecting you to not forgive him, his regrets are building up to stress it has been messing him up all the time the cause of this he didn't sleep eat and go outside for days now..

"Veneer.. You can't be just doing this to yourself by just a stupid girl you couldn't find! " Velvet yelled.

"YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND SIS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

Velvet was shocked by this and got mad she tried to talk but Veneer cutted her off.

"I'm sorry okay!!! It's just that.. I love them.." Veneer said tearing up more.

Velvet's face went to sad and said this:

"I know you've said mean things to them.. But I'm sure they'll forgive you I promise..."

Velvet hugs Veneer and he just sniffles and cried all over Velvet's shoulder the whole time.

(1157 words!! )

"𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞" (Veneer x reader) Where stories live. Discover now