chapter 8

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"It's ok if you give up or not, It's your decision, but don't waste your efforts"

(Liam's pov)

A familiar voice, a familiar presence and a question that I was scared of hearing from that very person snapped me from my work, as it hit my ears making my heart skip many beats.

"What?" I say turning to that very presence meeting eyes with that very person.  Isla. my mind got filled with many thoughts in a split second, did she really remember everything? But how? It's impossible, but what will happen now that she remembered everything?

"Haven't we met before?" She again asked, those old stars still alive in her eyes, and that smile. You are still the same, but I don't want you to remember us.

"Oh! Right!"
"I finally remembered!" She cheered as she clapped her hands in the air with her charming smile and shining eyes.

As she said that I forgot how to breath, the breath got stuck inside me, and my heart choking. Do you really remember? No no it's impossible. Please Isla... don't make things harder for me.

"You saved me that day, on the construction site, remember?" She added finally giving me my breath back.

"What? oh yeah" still flustered I reply and get back to work, hoping that you won't stay here for long.

"Do you cook too?"
"Do you cook good?"
"Are you a chef too?"
Leaning on the counter she showered me with questions. Ignoring her I continued with my work.

"Hey!, are you ignoring me?" She said annoyed and with a pout.

"No I'm not" I lied.

"Sometimes no means yes" she replied, still annoyed. Cute.

"Yeah it does" i say, while my focus still on my work.

"Humph" and with that she walked away.

"Liam, why are you sending my customer away?" My boss asked in a stern voice, as he came with a smiling Isla behind him, so it's your doing huh, using my boss against me.

"I'm not sir" I said, sternly while sneaking a glance at isla as well.

"Very well then, get her our signature dish" my boss ordered. With Isla behind him that is dying from happiness.

The boss left, and I started to get her spring rolls, our signature dish, ready as she waited on the table at  the front.

Taking the dish to her, and then leaving her to it.

"Hey, let's eat together". She said with her cheeky smile.

"No, I'm busy, enjoy your food" as I said that I tried leaving, but just to be threatened by her and ended joining her on the table.

"You do know that you are rude right?" She said while looking at me and raising her eyebrow.

"Am I?" I shrugged, just wanting to end this quickly, I can't stay like this for more.

Shaking her head in annoyance, she took the smell in, the charismatic smell of the plate infront of her, ended up making her smile. Then she took the first bite, closing her eyes and feeling every flavor.
Seeing her eat like this, I can't help but remember how it used to be.


"Liam! Liam! I'm hungry!" Isla complained.

"Alright Alright, let's order something, what do you want to eat?" Liam asked, with all his attention on Isla.

"Hm... I want to eat your cooking" Isla replied after much thought.

"No Isla, I can't today, I have much to do"

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