loved or love ?

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Chapter 2: Loved or Love ?


New york, the most crowded place on this damn planet. I was pushing through the crowd trying to get to my apartment.

Two weeks here and I feel like killing myself. I hate being around to a lot of people, but if I take a taxi I'll probably get to my place tomorrow,and if I take the train I'll get lost and never get home.

Get your shit together Jose. Your here for a reason. To make up the mess you made.

As I walked in the hallway of my apartment, a girl was coming out.

"Hey handsome," I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "You don't have to be an ass."

I stopped in front of my door and slowly turned toward her. She had her hands on her hips waiting for me to apologize.

"Not interested."

I closed the door behind me and walked to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and sat on the couch.

I took a sip and began thinking of her.
Why didn't I go to the airport and say goodbye ? Because you're scared of loving

I took another sip.
What if she forgot about me and found someone better then me ? You deserve it. For letting her slip out of our hands, she told you she loved you. You even responded back to her love to only break her heart.

I chugged down the beer.
You think drinking is going to help. It's only going to make it worst for you.

I throw the beer at the wall. I put my palms on my eyes.

"Why. Why. Why !"

I grabbed my phone and dialed Alex's mom.

On the third ring she answered.
"Hello ?"
"Hi, its me Jose can you please give me your daughters number?"


"So. What did the boss want ?"

I took a bite out of my bagel, "I can never get enough of these bagels, god they're so...... good."

"Alexandra! Come on please tell me, you came out all weird out of his office."

"He told me the same thing he told you and all the other employees," I said taking another bite and a sip of my coffee.

"That he's gay ," I almost spit out my coffee.

"What !"
"Ha I'm kidding, spill the beans sister."

I rolled my eyes and got up,"I'll tell you on the way to our place."


"You're going !"
"As a friend, yes."

"We have to go shopping! You gonna look fine-as-fuck," I chuckled.
"Chill, I'm wearing something I have in my closet."

T's eye's widen, "from that horrible place. Just go get clothes from the garbage!"

"Hey! That's my clothes you're talking about," she looked up and down at the clothes I was wearing. "Okay they're not then best."

"Shopping tomorrow. Ok I can't wait your first date since that thing," I looked at my phone that was on the table.

"A is there something else you didnt tell me ?"

I took a deep breath.
"Jose texted me saying he needs to see me."
Two updates in one day.

Couldn't wait to give yall another chapter c:
Also i p.o.v of jose and whats been going on in his life.


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