raven look to the side and see ayre's ac

ayre:raven something went wrong with the coral release..we..we not longer an rubicon

mutiple scene show the planet it was earth but way an the past

ayre:how we return to earth..is not posible..and olso..the tech..is ..too odd compare back an rubicon..and the year..it doesn't match at all..and olso..the ac's aparenty didn't exist at all istead..

mutiple scenes show the IS pilots use the mech either for tounoment or military

ayre:there is this machine call IS an mech create by tabane shinono but only women can use it..that make increase the value of female on the planet....hmm..looks like we an unknow territory..and raven..you change as well

an scene show raven with coral aura aroud his body

ayre:the symbiosis allow you to use coral an new ways..don't worry raven..i help you..after all we now one..we are together

raven nod at her

another scene show raven on his ac do mercenary job's

ayre:guess things never change ..sure walter would be proud of you raven

raven nod

mutiple scene show raven an combat either terrorists, pmc's and other IS

ayre:you reputation is getting higher i sure many countries want you for they services but mosty is you ac

another scene show raven an base of nuclear missilies fight agaist the phatom task

ayre:theses people are merciless to go this point ..guess we find the equivalent of the corpolations

another scene show raven an front of woman 

???:soo you are the pilot of that IS?

raven nod

???:well i know you mercenary soo i got an job for you

raven raise an eyebrown

another scene show raven an the IS academy

ayre:"this is ..an..unique job from orimura"

raven nod as he was walk into the halls and bump into someone

???:oh sorry are you okay

raven nod and see it was another boy

ayre:"that is orimura's younger brother ichika orimura"

ichika:oh you olso an the academy?

raven nod

ichika:wow i trough i been the only boy an the academy

he extend his hand

ichika:i ichika orimura

raven nod and shake his hand

another scene show cecilia an front of raven

cecila:and who you think you are ..i sure you just another commoner

???:i won't soo confident agaist her cecilia alcott

cecilia was suprise by the voice and look aroud and see raven's bralacelet an shape of raven shine an red as it was ayre

ayre:raven is very capable pilot

cecilia:and how you know that

ayre:raven have years of experience an combat

mutiple flasbacks about all raven's fights from balteus,the other ac pilots,the worm,all mild all then

ayre:soo he is capable to face someone of you caliver 

mutiple scene show raven face other is pilots like rin,laura,charlotte,ichika and houking

another scene show raven an front of silver gosper

ayre:the is is strong..but we better..is time you ready

raven nod as his ac was cover an intense coral energy as it begin to change form to turn into an diferent ac

raven nod as his ac was cover an intense coral energy as it begin to change form to turn into an diferent ac

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inside the ac raven's eyes shine with intense red as next to him was ayre

inside the ac raven's eyes shine with intense red as next to him was ayre

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ayre:let's do this raven

raven nod

ayre:main system:activating combat mode

the ac charge toward the IS

"armored core:infinte stratos"

armored core:infinte stratosWhere stories live. Discover now