Spider repellent accident (crack)

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Peter had an entire plan on how today was supposed to go. He was going to take MJ to the fair. They were going to ride the Ferris Wheel and once it got to the top he was going to kiss her. However, he didn't account for MJ using peppermint gum beforehand. 

*Flashback five minutes ago*

They reached the top of the Ferris Wheel, and fireworks filled the night sky. MJ looked over, and Peter knew it was going to be an amazing moment. A memory for the ages if you will. And as he went to lean in MJ's gum had to interrupt this fine moment. 

Peter jumped back, almost tilting their car, hissing, eyes blown wide. MJ started screaming, she had no idea what had gotten into Peter, let alone how he was balancing on the car like that. 

“Peter! Knock it off! You're scaring me!” MJ cried out. Though the only response she got was Peter jumping off, and running out of the fair.

*Flashback ended*

Now Peter was sitting on a bench outside of a random market, and he had no clue how tonight could've gone wrong. How do you mess up a first kiss that bad, to the point you're not even sure your partner would want to see you again? And he couldn't call Mr. Stark as he would just tease him, and question why he ran. Ned was also out of the question for similar reasons. 

“Peter?” He heard Sam yell.

“Pete?” That one was Steve.

“Parker?” That was Bucky.

Why are they looking for him? Did MJ call them?

“There you are. Found him guys!” Sam yelled as he came into view. 

“Why are you here and not with MJ? She called Tony freaking out.” Steve looked worried. Peter felt so guilty, how could he explain what happened and not look horrible?

“Uh, I don't know what happened. One minute I was going to kiss her,” Peter was cut off by Sam ooohing.

“Shut it, stupid bird.” Bucky snapped, smacking Sam's shoulder.

“And the next I was standing on the side of the Ferris Wheel car hissing.”

And Sam lost it, laughter came bubbling out of his chest like bubbles from a Champagne bottle. 

“Pete, you should talk to Bruce. He’ll have answers.” Steve looked saddened by having to tell Peter this.

“Okay. Where's MJ?” Peter asked, as he looked down at the ground.

“Right here, dickwad.”

“Hey before we start calling names, how about let him learn what happened to him?” Bucky asked.

“He's a dickwad because he ran off. I don't care if he hissed at me or jumped away when we almost kissed. I care that he ran off.” 

Peter realized how lucky he was for MJ at that moment. Most people would break things off for their partner to appear to be possessed. 

Once they got to the compound, Peter met Bruce in the commons room. 

“Okay, let me get this right, you went to kiss MJ. Ended up instead hissing at her and running away.” Bruce sounded like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.


As Peter said this a pack of gum fell out of MJ’s pocket. As she went to pick it up, Bruce caught site of it.

“What flavor is that?” He asked, pointing to the package.


“Did you happen to have a piece in your mouth at the fair?” Bruce started eyeing the package with a calculating gaze, Peter started to feel worried.


Bruce chuckled before looking back at Peter. Peter started to get even more worried, you never hear Bruce laugh about anything like this.

“Peter, your half spider.”

“I know.”

“Peppermint repels spiders.”

Peter started blushing, and it was at this moment everyone else in the commons room made themselves known by laughing. 

“How long have you guys been there?” 

“Uh….” Everyone but Tony ran out.

Tony started to leave after a few glares from unmentioned people, cough cough Bruce, MJ cough cough. But as he left he said one sentence, that made Peter’s heart swell and tears fill his eyes.

“Friday, ban all Peppermint and spider repellent from all Stark owned buildings.”

“Already done.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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