Going on a date

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Ruby Rose

The next day after Emma helped her cousin asked Ruby out on a date, Ruby is currently trying to get ready for her date. Ruby is nervous because this will be her first ever date.

Yang: Ruby calm down.

Ruby: I can't stop panicking Yang. This is my first ever date with anyone. I don't want to mess it up.

Yang: Your not going to mess it up Ruby.

Ruby and Yang heard a knock on the door. Ruby starts panicking.

Ruby: Oh no it's probably (Y,N). What do I do?

Yang: Ruby calm down everything is going to be okay. Take some deep breaths while I go answer the door.

Ruby: Okay Yang.

Yang went to open the door and she saw (Y,N).

Yang: Hello (Y,N).

(Y,N): Hi Yang is Ruby ready?

Yang: She is almost ready (Y,N). While she finish up why don't we talk for a bit?

(Y,N): Okay Yang.

Yang: Listen (Y,N) this date is really important to Ruby. I know that you are a nice guy but if you break my sister's heart I will hunt you down and beat you so hard that you will be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Got it.

(Y,N) became a little scared but he easily hid it.

(Y,N): Yang I would never hurt Ruby. I know that this is her first ever date because it's also my first date.

Yang: Good. Treat my little sister right and we will not have any problems.

(Y,N): I will treat her right.

Ruby arrived at the door.

Ruby: Hey (Y,N) are you ready for our date?

(Y,N): I am Ruby. Let's go.

(Y,N) and Ruby left team RWBY's dorm.

Yang: Have fun you two and wear protection!

Yang closed the door.

Yang: I got to get ready for my date with my Jaguar.

Ruby and (Y,N) are blushing at what Yang said.

Ruby: (blushing) Where are we going (Y,N)?

(Y,N) took out two tickets.

(Y,N): I got us tickets for a tour of a cookie factory.

Ruby got excited and hugs (Y,N).

Ruby: (excited) What are we waiting for let's go!

Ruby starts dragging (Y,N) to go to the cookie factory.

Weiss Schnee

(Y,N) and Weiss are walking at Vale. Weiss is currently angry.

Weiss: The nerve of that owner for not letting us in just because you are a faunus! I made a reservation how could our reservation not be in the system! Do they know who I am! I am Weiss Schnee!

(Y,N): Weiss it okay we can go eat somewhere else.

Weiss sighs and looks at (Y,N).

Weiss: I know that we can go eat somewhere else but it's not right.

(Y,N) holds Weiss's hand which made her blush.

(Y,N): Weiss it's okay. How about we go to that noodle stand over there.

(Y,N) points at the noodle stand.

Weiss smiles at (Y,N).

Weiss: Okay (Y,N).

(Y,N) and Weiss walked to the noodle stand.

Blake Belladonna

(Y,N) and Blake are walking in Vale while going to a sushi restaurant.

Blake: Remember your paying for this date mutt.

(Y,N): Of course Kitty cat.

Blake: (blushing) S-Shut up you stupid mutt.

(Y,N) and Blake arrived at the restaurant. Once they were seated a waiter arrived to their table.

Waiter: Can I take your order?

(Y,N): Yes I would like a well done steak with a Diet Coke please.

The waiter writes down (Y,N)'s order.

Waiter: Okay and for you miss?

Blake: I'll have the smoked Salmon and a iced tea.

The waiter wrote down Blake's order.

Waiter: I'll be right back with your drinks.

The waiter leaves. (Y,N) tries not to laugh. Blake glares at (Y,N).

Blake: (glaring) Why are you laughing mutt?

(Y,N): (Trying not to laugh) I'm not laughing.

Blake: (glaring) But you want too why?

(Y,N): (Trying not to laugh) Of course the kitty cat ordered a fish.

Blake: (glaring) Says the mutt who ordered the steak.

Yang Xiao Long

After Yang helped Ruby get ready for her date, Yang started getting ready for her date. After an hour of getting ready Yang heard a knock on the door. Yang opens the door and sees (Y,N).

(Y,N): Hey Yang are you ready?

Yang: Yes I am cutie~.

(Y,N): Then let's go.

(Y,N) and Yang left Beacon. Yang got on Bumblebee.

Yang: Hop on cutie~.

(Y,N) got on Bumblebee. Yang starts driving. After a couple of minutes they arrived at Junior's which got (Y,N) confused.

(Y,N): Yang what are we doing here? Today is my day off.

Yang: We're here for our date cutie~.

(Y,N): 'I just hope Yang doesn't do anything that will get me fired.'

Nora Valkyrie

Nora and (Y,N) arrived at Vale. Nora starts dragging (Y,N) to a pancake house. Nora and (Y,N) arrived and went inside. A waiter nervously arrived once they sat down.

Waiter: (nervously) H-How c-can I help y-you two?

Nora: I'll have the usual!

The waiter writes down Nora's order. The waiter looks at (Y,N).

Waiter: What about you sir?

(Y,N): I...will...get...a...chocolate...chip...

Nora: He will have a stack of chocolate chip pancakes!

Waiter: (nervously) Yes miss.

The waiter wrote (Y,N)'s order and left.

(Y,N): Pancake...please.

The waiter went to the kitchen and looked at the cooks.

Waiter: She's back!

When the cooks heard the waiter they all started to panic.

Pyrrha Nikos

(Y,N) and Pyrrha are enjoying a walk at Vale after they ate. (Y,N) and Pyrrha see Nora dragging a sloth faunus to the pancake house.

(Y,N): Wasn't that Nora?

Pyrrha: Yes that was Nora and it looks like she is dragging that poor sloth faunus to the pancake house.

(Y,N): I think I know that sloth faunus.

Pyrrha: You do?

(Y,N): Yes I sometimes help him with his homework. It usually takes all night to finish.

Pyrrha: Is that why you're sometimes sleeping in class?

(Y,N): Let's just say that his faunus features aren't the only thing that makes him a sloth faunus.

(Y,N) and Pyrrha continue their walk.

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