Swordplay: Admiral Lucia is a skilled swordswoman, wielding Moonfang with remarkable precision and finesse. Her extensive training and expertise in swordplay allow her to execute swift and devastating strikes, effectively combining her physical abilities with her weapon.

Navigation and Tactician: Lucia's years spent at sea with the Marines have granted her extensive knowledge of the treacherous Grand Line and New World territories. She excels as a navigator, possessing a deep understanding of the sea and the challenges it presents. Additionally, she is a brilliant tactician, capable of formulating strategic plans and effectively leading her subordinates into battles.

Unwavering Loyalty and Iron Will: Lucia's commitment to Justice is unwavering, and her loyalty to the Marine organization is absolute. She upholds the principles of righteousness and order, dedicating herself to protect innocent lives and maintain peace. Her iron will enables her to endure the most challenging situations, inspiring respect from her subordinates and instilling fear in her enemies. 

crush: Aokiji, Akainu, Kizaru

Golden Retriever Puppy OC:

Name: Shiro

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shiro, the loyal companion of Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp, is an adorable Golden Retriever puppy with a soft, golden coat that shimmers under the sunlight. His expressive eyes are a warm and gentle brown, radiating kindness and loyalty. Despite his young age, Shiro possesses an innate charm that captivates those around him.

Marine Jacket: Shiro proudly wears a miniature Marine jacket, tailored to fit his small frame. The jacket is a smaller version of the traditional Marine coat, complete with the recognizable white color and gold trimming. It features a small Marine insignia on the back, symbolizing his affiliation with the Marine organization. The jacket serves as a symbol of his dedication to supporting Admiral Lucia in her mission.

Personality: Shiro is a spirited and courageous puppy, embodying the characteristics of his wolf ancestors. He is fiercely loyal to Lucia and displays unwavering devotion to her cause. Despite his youthful exuberance, Shiro possesses a calm and gentle demeanor, making him a comforting presence amidst the chaos of battle. He has an intuitive understanding of his surroundings, often alerting Lucia to potential threats or hidden dangers.

Shiro's playful nature brings moments of joy and levity to the crew, lifting their spirits during challenging times. He is curious and adventurous, always eager to explore new environments and engage with new friends. His presence is a source of comfort and companionship for Lucia, providing her with unwavering support and unconditional love.

In battle, Shiro proves to be more than just a cute face. He demonstrates remarkable intelligence and bravery, assisting Lucia in various ways. Whether it's using his keen senses to detect enemies or distracting foes with his playful antics, Shiro's presence enhances Lucia's abilities and adds an element of surprise to their strategies.

Shiro's unwavering loyalty and affection for Lucia and the Marine cause make him an invaluable member of the crew. His bond with Lucia goes beyond that of a pet and an owner; they share a deep connection built on trust, understanding, and a shared sense of duty. Together, Lucia and Shiro embody the indomitable spirit of Justice and the unbreakable bond between a Marine and her loyal companion.

Wolf Puppy OC:

Name: Luna

Gender: Female

Appearance: Luna, the fierce and loyal wolf puppy, is a magnificent sight to behold. With a sleek coat of silver-gray fur that shimmers under the moonlight, she embodies the spirit of the night. Her piercing amber eyes radiate intelligence and determination, showcasing her unwavering loyalty to Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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