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My mother was never known to me. She had left 3 days after I was born. She didn't even take her bags or clothes or anything really. She just left. Father had burned her things though. All her photos were burned but one. It resides on father's desk in his office. Its a picture of them with a newborn me. It was taken 3 hours later. When mother was able to hug me fully and she looked less of a mess. Mother always wanted to look best in the photos. Father never talks about her. I don't blame him. When he does though, he says the beautiful things. Says that she was brave, courageous, smart, brilliant, caring, loving, hell even selfless but she was always stubborn. I saw her once in the picture in father's office but father hid it when he noticed that I saw it. He doesn't want me to know about her and I don't blame him. She never sent an email, never sent a letter, never sent a postcard, never sent a present for my birthday, never visited and never called. I don't know what she really looks like nor sound like. The photo in my mind isn't clear now. I was only 5, when I saw it. My father, Hannibal Lecter, raised me until they took him away. He raised me into a well mannered person with high goals, high intelligence and a well mannered appearance. Father always said that you have to dress into our class or dress that you fit in. He said that you can dress and act in ways you want but you can't dress and act in ways that causes attention to yourself. I didn't understand him at first but then I realized that if people found us more uncanny or abnormal than the rest that differentiated us from the others then we would have more eyes on us. I guess part of that was true. When they took him away, I was alone. Sure, my father sent me somewhere for someone to take care of me and all but I was alone. I may have knew the family side of my mother and grew strong relationships but it wasn't the same. I visited father in the asylum but it wasn't the same nor was it enough.

I guess when my father was taken away, he met his people. He finally belonged somewhere. He united the slashers surprisingly but I wasn't really surprised. He brought them together like a family. Like a parent, like a father or mother would. I guess in there he was both. Sure, there would be fights and all but it was more like sibling fights. Petty fights. Not fights that you would start with an enemy or foe. He brought together to the point that they saw each other more than cell mates, or friends but siblings. Brothers. Yeah, they would make fun of each other but they knew their limits. They knew what was a joke and what wasn't. Hell, if you messed with someone that was overprotective with the babies in the group. If you messed with Vincent, Jason, Norman, Brahms hell when Thomas or Bubba, you were gonna get a beating and torture of your life. No one is safe if you mess with the babies because if Hannibal gives them one look or even a nod, you better run and hide, because Michael, Bo, Freddy, Pennywise, Chucky, Jigsaw, Billy the Puppet, hell maybe even Lenz if he wasn't staring at the nurses' breasts or asses would come after you. Hell, we know how that worked out, last time.

I think you guys would fit in though but Randy, don't go fangirling alright?


"What? I would never!"

"Yeah, and I'm a cannibal. Wait! I am."

The Daughter of The Hannibal (1996 Scream) {Billy Loomis}Where stories live. Discover now