The Assignment

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        Chen Yangzi, Liu Xin Dong, Zhang Rui Fang, Yang Fei Hua, Zhao Wu Jun, Li Wei Young and Wu Dong Hao were present inside the meeting room as instructed by the founder Chen Wei long. They wondered why he called them all of a sudden. They kept discussing about the matter in silence, except Chen Yangzi and Liu Xin Dong. Because they had known the visit of the government official Xia Chuo Ming. They whispered to each other.

“I think it is about the visit of the government official. I think we should tell them”, said Liu Xin Dong.

“No, wait”, said Yangzi. He further continued,

“We only know that the official visited grandpa. We have no idea why he visited him. What if it is just happened to be some unnecessary stuff?”

“I think it is for some official reason. I think that we are going to get some assignment. Especially I have a feeling that it’s going to be a government assignment.”, said Xin Dong.

“I wonder how you are so confident.”, mocked Chen Yangzi.

“I have serious proofs. Let’s take that he just visited for some unnecessary stuff. Why does he have to wait for him in the head office? He could have gone to his house. Probably your grandpa is not a type who forbids guest in his house. But you told me that you heard from the receptionist that he asked the official to wait there until he comes. Even if we conclude that it’s a friendly visit, he’s a middle-aged man. He’s over 36 and I don’t think that there’s any chance that they would know each other and also, he’s not a popular one. Your grandpa knows only popular government officials as far as I know. He’s not even a high-rank official. He clearly looked like an assistant.”

Chen Yangzi turned away because he lost interest. But Liu Xin Dong isn't the one who stops. He continued,

“Let's have a bet. He will come and talk about the visit of that government official. I bet.”

Chen Yangzi became excited after hearing the word ‘bet’. He asked,

“Let’s see who wins the bet, how much do you bet?”

The excited Liu replied, “200 yuan.”

Chen Yangzi gave a sarcastic smile and replied, “500 yuan.”

He continued,

“Never forget that you have always lost so far.”

The group grew curious as they heard the excited chatter of Chen Yangzi and Liu Xin Dong. Both of them noticed that the chatters of others have ended. They looked at their group members. The group members kept staring at them. Both gave a sensational funny smile and asked in chorus,

“What happened, guys?”

The group members grew afraid after seeing their funny smiles. They replied,


They nodded their head in satisfaction. As all these stuffs happened, Chen Wei long entered the hall.
Everybody stood up and greeted him. He greeted them in return. Then he insisted everybody to sit down. He looked at the wandering faces of every single one in the room and then he started to talk.

“I know you guys would wonder why I called you here.”

Saying so, he looked at everyone. They just kept a nervous face as they stared at him. He sighed. Then he took a deep breath and said,

“I'm here to give you an important assignment. It can be taken as a government assignment.”

Everybody became excited except Chen Yangzi. He realized that it came from that official who annoyed him. He is also tensed as he lost his 500 yuan to Xin Dong. Xin Dong asked Chen as if he read his mind,

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