Chapter XI - Infultrator

Depuis le début

They'd already explained the plan on the boat, so they didn't need to explain their movements to each other. After Red Arrow placed down the C4 bombs, the two ran though the forest, where Astra would temporarily shut off cameras and motion sensors as they passed the two quietly continuing their conversation while hiking through the thick forest.

"JLA training? What power could you have that requires the league to train you?" Red Arrow asked in an impressed tone which followed with a grunt as he jumped over a log and tucked into a roll at the three foot drop that followed. Astra cleared it in a similar fashion.

"According to Flash, they think I have a from of technokinesis. Which would explain how easily I can hack into the Cave's system and shit. Also the Amazo incident."

While they were gathering and putting together info on where the doctor had disappeared too, Roy had been caught up with all things team related. Including the weird incident with Amazo and Robin's holo computer after he copied her powers.

"So you think you could destroy whatever weapon they're making the Doctor create?" Red Arrow asked.

Astra shook her head and explained how she simply hadn't been able to practice her new abilities yet. At least not in a safe environment. She'd have to ask Cisco to monitor her training at the Lab, but they've simply been busy recently. Though she didn't mention it to anyone (especially not Roy, who would've gotten a weird sense of jealousy around him) she also had the offer from Batman to think about. It would be quicker....

The two heroes approached the building and set their plan into motion. Roy pulled out his bow and pulled back with a taser arrow. Astra and Speedy had come up with this move.

Once the archer released the arrow, Astra concentrated on the small pulse of electricity in the tip and fizzled into its circuitry. It was silent for the second where the arrow was sailing through the air, but she could tell the exact moment when the arrow hit its mark.

Astra reformed behind the guard as he got tased and covered his mouth with her hand so he could scream. She saw Red make his way over to the two of them and the man finally collapsed in a heap, and Astra gently sat him down. She pulled the arrow back from the man's chest and recharged it with a touch as she handed it back to its owner.

"Never gets old," Speedy- Red Arrow joked with a smirk. Astra returned it as the two made their way further into the base.

Astra simply fizzled into the camera that she'd notice and with a nod used it to transport herself to an area above. Hidden from view within the shadows. Soon enough, Red sprinted to join her.

Trying to keep quiet, the girl simply jerked her head around the corner and mouthed the word Camera.

The boy nodded and pulled out an arrow - one that Kamila recognized as her design - and shot the EMP arrow, landing just under the Camera.

As they turned the corner, two guards stood on duty, still not noticing the duo. Similar to how the two of them took down the first guard, Red shot an arrow at the furthest guard and Astra fizzled into the current. Then, reappearing as the second arrow was shot from the other guard, the girl managed to catch both of the guards before they feel to the floor with a thump.

Astra blinked her eyes and peered down the hallway where she could sense an unusually high level of power. Of course, there was the usual lighting fixtures, a computer and at least two communication devices which belonged to some guards, but there was also something else. Something dangerous.

She blinked away the electric filter over her eyes and raced down the hallway as fast as she could sans using her speed.

Once they reached the door where the power was coming from, Astra put her head against the door, "-as fast as I can," a women's voice said.

ASTRAPHOBIA ⚡︎ W. WestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant