~The Dementor~

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Warning! This chapter contains mentions of abuse. If this triggers you or makes you feel uncomfortable, please don't read. 

Songs Included In This Chapter: 

I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles 


You woke up to the sound of Percy and Ron shouting. Something about Penelope Clearwater? You didn't want to know. 

"Good morning, Bella," you said, giving her some owl pellets. She looked at the bowl, and then looked back at you, it looked like she was offended.

"I know you don't want that gross stuff," you said, caressing her feathers. "I promise you'll eat something more satisfying once we get to school."

You went into the bathroom and checked the mirror. Right below your right eye, a bruise was already starting to form. You could see red and purple. You started to panic. Whenever your stepfather hit you, your mom would use magic to cover up your bruises. But you weren't allowed to use magic yet, and you didn't know anything about makeup. 

Tears started to roll down your cheeks. What would Harry, Ron, and Hermione think? What would the Weasleys think? What would George think? What would you say to them?

You wiped your tears away. "It's gonna be okay," you said shakily. "Everything's gonna be okay."

 Before you went downstairs for breakfast, you checked your trunk to see if you packed everything you needed. 

"School books.... uniform......permission slip...... Walkman......muggle books...." you muttered to yourself. "That should be it," you said, closing your trunk. 

You headed downstairs (after hearing more shouting from Percy) and found Mr. Weasley reading The Prophet and Mrs. Weasley talking with Hermione and Ginny. 

"What happened to your cheek, Y/N?" Mr. Weasley asked as you sat down. 

You tried to think of something you could tell her as fast as you could. You knew somebody was going to ask at some point, but for some reason you didn't think of something to say sooner. 

"I ran into a pole in Diagon Alley, I'm fine," you said. 

"Hm, alright," Mr. Weasley said, feeling like you weren't telling the truth, but he ignored it, going back to reading his paper. 


After breakfast, there was chaos everywhere. Everyone bringing down their trunks, Percy once again yelling at Ron, and Fred and George were swiping some of Percy's stuff.

"Okay, I just need to bring down my trunk, I'll be right back." you said to Mrs. Weasley, as you went upstairs.

"Hurry up dear! The cars will be here any minute!" she called up to you. 

You mustered up all the strength you could and attempted to drag your trunk out of the room. 

You only moved it an inch. 

"Why is this so heavy," you groaned. "I didn't even pack that much compared to Hermione."

"Knock knock,"

You turned around and saw George standing in the doorway. 

"Oh, thank merlin you're here, George," you said. "Can you help me carry down my trunk? It's too heavy for me to carry by myself."

Sweet Dreams-George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now