~The Leaky Cauldron~

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From now on, the chapters take place in The Prisoner of Azkaban

Warning! This chapter has depictions of physical abuse. If this makes you uncomfortable or triggers you, please don't read this. 

Songs Featured In This Chapter: 

The Sound Of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel

Killer Queen - Queen


The Sound of Silence-Simon and Garfunkel

That was the song you were listening to as you were laying on your back, staring at the Leaky Cauldron ceiling, tears in your eyes.

Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vison softly creeping

You spent the summer in Egypt with the Weasleys, your mother letting you go while going against your stepfathers wishes. 

"It's bad enough that she's in the same house as them. I will NOT let her go to Egypt with them just so she can look at some stupid pyramids." he yelled, while you listened to from your room. 

When the day came for you to go to the Weasley's, your mother secretly woke you up.

"Mum? What are you doing? I thought Dad said I couldn't go," you said, confused and tired. 

"He doesn't know what he's talking about, sweetie," she said as she waved her wand around her room, your things flying into your suitcases. "Visiting Egypt with the Weasleys will be a wonderful opportunity for you." 

So very quietly you went down to the living room and travelled to The Burrow via Floo Powder. 

"Thank you mum," you whispered, hugging her before you left. 

"Have fun sweetie, I'll see you when you get back." she said, hugging you back. 

Egypt was as wonderful as you thought it would be. Not only did you get to hang out with Ron, one of your best friends, but you also got to hang out with George a lot more than you did at school. While in Egypt, you found yourself having a crush on the red haired boy. The thought of him made you smile and feel giddy inside. 

You were hoping that your stepfather wouldn't be too mad that you went to Egypt. But when you got home, stepping out of the fireplace, you saw him sitting on the couch, a crazy look on his face. 

"I told you not to go to Egypt, Y/N," he said slowly. "Why did you disobey me?"

"Mum said I could go," you said quietly, looking down. You wanted to go back into the fireplace. 

"Your mother doesn't get a say in what you do, you know that," he said, standing up, he began to head towards you. 

"I'm sorry! I just really wanted to-"

"I don't care what you want!" he snarled, picking you up by the front of your robes. "You live under my roof, you follow my rules. Do you understand?"

Tears started to stream down your face, you knew he would be angry, but you ignored it. 'How could you be so stupid,' you thought. 

Not liking that you didn't answer his question fast enough, he punched you in the face, hard. That would no doubt leave a bruise. 

"Answer the damn question!" he roared, spitting in your face. "Do you understand!?"

Sweet Dreams-George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now