Jake's POV: Uncomplicated

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Jake Lockley x You (Fem!Reader)

Summary: Deep down you knew Jake wouldn't be calling if he didn't think he needed you. Or maybe that's what you told yourself to make it more tolerable to be out of your warm bed at this hour.


A phone call woke you up. Come pick him up, he'd said. Knowing exactly which asshole would be calling you to ask that. Very little else could be said before the line was ended. A second later, the location buzzed for you to follow.

You could have said no. Should have told him to fuck off calling you at this time. Sometimes you thought he did it on purpose, just to press your buttons. Deep down you knew Jake wouldn't be calling if he didn't think he needed you. Or maybe that's what you told yourself to make it more tolerable to be out of your warm bed at this hour.

So you went.

You threw on a few layers and left to go pick him up. Silently cursing him all the while. Nights were cold and you weren't functioning on enough hours of sleep to be doing this shit. At least it wasn't all the time, but still. You'd prefer he called you at a reasonable hour. Jake didn't seem to know what reasonable meant.

Ended up in some industrial area. Stopping to recheck the location on your phone. Didn't seem like the right place. Movement caught your eyes. You look back up to find him staggering in his walk towards you. A sombrero on his head. The black bomber jacket open gave him little protection. No buttoned shirt, leaving his chest bare and exposed to the elements. Hand bandaged and bloody. He looked beat up or drunk, more likely both. All in all, he looked rather pleased with himself getting into your car.

Ducking his head to not lose the hat. He stunk of beer and cigarettes. You wrinkled your nose as it invaded your senses the closer he got. Waiting for him to shut the door. Didn't bother to ask him to put his seatbelt on. More stubborn than a damn toddler, this one. It'd be his own fault if he bonked his head. Might finally knock some sense into him.

You pull away from the warehouse to drive him back home. Taking one last glance to see if you could spot anything out of the ordinary about of the place. Any clue as to why Jake came out looking the way that he did. Definitely a story there. Jake was already messing with the radio, getting the station he loved on. You turn it down to talk.

"Had a good night?"

He hummed at first, before saying, "Si señora."

"What's the emergency?"

"Sin emergencia. I needed a lift and I got one."

Jake carefully plucked a bent hand-rolled cigarette out from his pocket. Straightening it between his fingers shaken fingers before catching it in his lips and searching for the lighter. Noticed the way he only used three fingers on his left hand. The other two wrapped haphazardly. Electrical tape somehow holding it together. His face cut up but no longer bleeding. A line of dirt and blood streaked down from the bridge of his nose.

"It was a party then?"

You didn't even try to sound like you were convinced. Jake chuckled and blew out a plume of smoke. Shifting to open his window a crack.

"You could say that."

Your hands shift on the steering wheel. Annoyed by that. You'd dealt with it with one being all cagey and now you had to deal with another. You wished they'd be more like Steven sometimes. Honest. Open. Not so headstrong and stubborn. Still though, they were equally as beautiful and handsome in their own ways, the bastards.

"I could ignore your call next time. Or stop the car right now and kick you out." You threaten. "Start talking."

"And risk your precious boys? Or you gonna make me beg again? Tu cabeza está en la luna."

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