Moon Boy's POV: How They Loved You

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Moon Boys

Summary: Who fell in love with you first? How do they behave around you? Some ramblings of how each of the alters likes to love you. No smut but suggestive.


Steven thought it the moment he met you

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Steven thought it the moment he met you. The way you talked. The way you smiled at him. How kind you were. Didn't show him any sign of being sick of his rambling. He was smitten. Didn't take him long to blurt it out. He wanted to please you in every way he could think of. He learned fast. Intuitive towards you. Empathetic to your needs. He listened. Searched for ways to gently push buttons he never knew existed before you.

Simply having you existing gave him all the motivation he needed to try and make you happy. You let him explore and find his confidence. In turn, he'd find ways to surprise you. Always with that dopey grin on his face and that eagerness like you wouldn't believe.

He'd be the one that'd spend a whole movie massaging your back. Cuddling or staring at you that little bit longer or until he couldn't any more. He's easily flustered and still bashful at times. Eyes quickly cast away as you strip the last of your clothing. His gaze would always return.

Once he was comfortable in your space? He'd be sneaking up to try and surprise you. Playful in his kisses and bites against you. Knowing exactly what he was doing but feigning innocence. More giggly in his flirting and teasing. Checking in when he can to make sure everything he's doing and you're doing is okay. He'd worship the ground you stood on if he could.

Sure, he liked you for a while, but it took Marc getting to know you before it came down hot and heavy

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Sure, he liked you for a while, but it took Marc getting to know you before it came down hot and heavy. Suddenly there was no air to breathe unless it was yours. You were his thoughts day and night. He needed all his time with you. Felt he was missing out anytime the others were with you instead of him.

Years would pass and he'd still be the same way. Utterly devoted. Not loud in his affection or words like the others sometimes were, but he made sure you knew he loved you. Gentle in all the right ways. Rough in the ways you both needed. He'd be the one doing the most to make sure you were cared for. Feed you. Drag you into baths and showers with him. Pull you into his arms to nap with him.

Marc loves you and only you. You're more important to him than himself. He'd be the kind to burn the world down just to keep you safe. He'd kill for you. He'd be the most unstable if you left. A kind of obsessiveness he knows can't be healthy but can't help himself.

Took the longest time for him to express his feelings. Even if he felt it, he never expected it to be reciprocated. Marc's good at putting on a show of being stoic and decisive. Deep down he still felt undesirable, like he wasn't worth you. How lucky he was to have such a person to orbit around. You were his sun. His planet. And all the stars around him.

Took him the longest to come around to the idea of loving you

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Took him the longest to come around to the idea of loving you. Told yourself it was because he wasn't out much and when he was he'd tried to avoid you and the others. Too used to his own bubble. Worried you'd hurt him if you got the chance. By being in constant proximity to the others, you caught glimpses of him. And in those glimpses, you seemed to like what you saw.

Jake's moment of falling in love wasn't hard and fast like Steven's, or hot and heavy like Marc's. It was an "awww fuck. Shit." Kind of moment. Him standing there rubbing his gloved hand over his face because he realizes he really does care about this spicy little dumbass. You drive him crazy and he couldn't understand until now why he wants you to keep doing that.

He wants to excite you. Take you out to see and do things you've probably never seen or done before. Enjoys the company in those long drives he loves to take. You catch him off guard with being okay he's more his own person. He likes to be around and indispensable to others. Likes that you like seeing him like that. Marc's bold, but Jake can be bolder. He's possibly a little more on the competitive side. Isn't one to back down.

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