The Straits of Fair Isle

Start from the beginning

Velaryon warships, their prows adorned with the sigil of their noble house, bore down upon the Ironborn vessels with relentless ferocity. The clash of steel upon steel filled the air as sailors fought tooth and nail for control of the decks, their weapons gleaming in the flickering light of the flames.

Ironborn ships, already weakened from their earlier encounter with Balerion and the dragons, offered little resistance against the overwhelming might of the Velaryon fleet. Hulls buckled and splintered beneath the relentless onslaught, their once-proud sails torn to shreds by the merciless onslaught of enemy fire.

Amidst the chaos, the cries of the wounded and dying mingled with the roar of the raging inferno, a symphony of agony and despair that echoed across the waves. Men fought with desperate determination, their hearts filled with the fierce resolve of those who knew that victory was the only path to survival.

Above, the dragons soared through the darkening skies, their massive forms casting ominous shadows upon the churning waters below. With each beat of their mighty wings, they unleashed torrents of flame upon the hapless Ironborn ships, their sapphire and maroon fire mingling with the inky black flames of Balerion.

The sea became a swirling inferno of color and darkness as the maroon, sapphire, and black flames danced and intertwined upon the waves. The once tranquil ocean was transformed into a hellish landscape of fire and destruction, where the very water itself seemed to burn with an otherworldly intensity. Men fought desperately for their lives, their bodies wracked with fear and adrenaline as they struggled to fend off the relentless onslaught of their enemies.

But it was all in vain. The combined might of the dragons and the Velaryon fleet proved too much for the Ironborn to withstand. One by one, their ships were consumed by the flames, their crews perishing in the merciless embrace of the inferno.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world into darkness, the sea became a writhing mass of vivid, otherworldly flames. Marron, sapphire, and black fire danced and intertwined upon the churning waters, painting the surface of the ocean with their ominous glow.

The once serene sea had transformed into a nightmarish inferno, where the very water itself seemed to burn with an unnatural intensity. Waves of blue, black, and red fire crashed against the sides of the Ironborn ships, engulfing them in an all-consuming embrace that left nothing but charred wreckage in its wake.

The air was thick with the acrid stench of smoke and burning flesh as the flames licked hungrily at the wooden hulls of the doomed vessels. Screams of agony echoed across the desolate expanse of the sea, mingling with the roar of the flames to create a symphony of horror and despair.

And yet, amidst the chaos and destruction, there was a strange and terrible beauty to be found in the spectacle. The colors of the flames danced and shimmered in the darkness, casting an eerie, mesmerizing light upon the roiling waters below.

For a fleeting moment, Aemon found himself entranced by the sight, unable to tear his eyes away from the mesmerizing display of destruction unfolding before him. In that moment, the horrors of war faded into the background, replaced by a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer power and majesty of the flames of blue, black, and red.

The sapphire blues and maroon reds danced and mixed, twirled, danced, and intertwined. It was a beautiful sight to see such blues and reds; to see such soft blues mix with strong and bold dark reds was something that stopped the mind and called for the heart. The eyes did nothing but look at the blues and reds and think of beauty brought down by the gods themselves, the gods from Valyria, and any other culture or peoples that believed in fire gods; the Lord of light himself had blessed these flames to show the world the beauty of his domains.

The night sky danced with the blues and reds, the black flames mixing with sections of blues, making shades lighter and darker, the same for the reds. A multi-colored display of red, blue, and black. The winds pushed the flames together to reach the heavens, the fires reaching the skies as the dusk had settled. The maroon and sapphire flames mixed, and the flaming shadow of Balerion, which was now the main source of light. It was beautiful.

If not, the screams of those being burnt alive.

But the illusion was short-lived, shattered by the harsh reality of the carnage unfolding around him. As the flames continued to consume everything in their path, Aemon was reminded once again of the true cost of war and the terrible toll it exacted upon all who dared to partake in its deadly dance.

The once tranquil sea had transformed into a nightmarish tapestry of maroon, sapphire, and black flames, casting an eerie, surreal glow across the water's surface. As far as the eye could see, the ocean was ablaze with the infernal hues of war, painting the world in shades of blue, red, and black.

The flames licked hungrily at the shattered remnants of the Ironborn fleet, engulfing the mangled wreckage in a relentless torrent of fire. Splintered wooden planks crackled and snapped as they were consumed by the voracious flames, casting long shadows that danced and flickered in the night.

As the night wore on, the sea of flames raged unabated, a relentless testament to the savagery of war and the unyielding will of those who fought upon its fiery stage. And amidst the chaos and destruction, the true cost of the conflict was laid bare for all to see, a grim reminder of the fragility of life and the fleeting nature of peace.

Aegon the Conqueror with Balerion, the Black Dread, had once caused the Field of Fire alongside Vhagar, the Dragon Queen, and Veraxes. It is not a terribly hard thing to burn a field of dry wheat to destroy an army. But setting fire to water itself, burning a sea? That is a different thing entirely. Aegon the Conqueror could keep the Field of Fire. The history books named that day the day when Balerion, the Black Dread, Vēttir, the Bloodfyre, and Jēdar, the Azure Wrath, caused the Sea of Flames.

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