Marc's POV: Rough Night

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Marc Spector & Reader

Summary: Marc's having a weird night but finds himself at your door.


Didn't know what day it was. At least his head felt quieter. That could be because the migraine coming on was making everything else dull. One minute he'd been out in the night working and planning to get home in time for Steven to wake for work, the next, standing in a hallway without a clue why. Lost some time again. Nothing new.

He patted down his pockets to pull out his phone and check there first. Figure out how long he'd been gone. Not hours, but days. Maybe Steven had been out, Marc wasn't always around. He searched for a clue as to what he'd been getting up to. His knuckles hurt, one was wrapped in a bloody bandage. A fight he couldn't remember having. Did he do that? They all bled into one another anyway. The ache let him know he was well and truly locked into reality.

Marc sidestepped when a couple came off the elevator from a night out. Giving him an unwanted look like he was out of place being there. He wanted to tell them he didn't mean to be there intruding, but that wasn't the truth.

Turns out it was intentional.

A search on his phone brought him to this address, but the why still alluded him. Khonshu hadn't made an appearance or a demand. It couldn't have been for him. Got that feeling in his stomach that let him know this all felt wrong. A memory coming back, or a dream. Layla. Her appearance was few and far between. He never did deserve the respite she provided. Was harder to want to wake up from those ones. Always felt real.

He slowly walked the hallway, searching the numbers on each of the doors to find the right one. When no one answered his knock, he forced his way in. Hoping the neighbors wouldn't call the police before he could clear out. Doing a sweep of the main area, it wasn't overly personalized. Leaving the lights off to ease the built-up pressure behind his eyes. Wasn't until he picked up the clothes thrown over one of the seats. The familiarity of it hit him like cold water when he brought it up to his face to confirm the scent. Couldn't remember the last time he'd seen them. Marc had been out of town for the shiva. Then... life happened and he'd been trying to get a grip on it.

Walking over to the front door to try and close it as well as the broken hinges could. All while pulling out his phone to send a simple text to his friends last known number.

"You coming home anytime soon? I'm there."

While he waited, he went and found their best alcohol from the kitchen and took it with him to clean his hand up in the bathroom. Replacing the bandages with clean ones. Telling himself he'd clean up the mess later. Avoiding to look himself in the eyes in the mirror. Using the drink to sterilize both the injury and swallow down some pills for the migraine.

He dropped his weight into the couch, shifting to slouch. He wanted nothing more than to lie back and get some shut-eye, but knowing if he did there was a chance it wouldn't be him waking up. As tempting as it was, he forced himself upright and took another swig of the bottle. Remaining still in the comfort of the dark. Just a slither of clouded moonlight outside was enough to cast shadows and self-doubt across each corner of the room. Focusing on that along with drinking kept him from spacing out again.

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