Chapter Thirteen

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Bakuguo pov:

Once we got back and build a home kirishima soon got a letter from his mothers they were asking when he would bring shannon to their home they wanted to her this must mean he sent a letter back home this was bad because it meant.The old hang would be sending me a letter yelling at me of course she did and I yelled at the letter I wasn't going to force my new mate.To go see the old hang but I know her she will never let this go at all and shannon told kirishima that she would love see the place where he was born and grewup.Also she wanted to met his mother after he told about them so fawnly so we made plans to do back home for a visited.As I was out hunting since kirishima couldn't do it I remember that subversives dragon shifter would going to heat.And since me and kirishima never went all the way because I didn't wanted to rush things however when a dragon shifters.Is in heat well things can get out of hand and kirishima is a submissive however with shannon as our new mate I'm not sure what could happen.Now kirishima heat shouldn't happen but I would have to ask the old hang for help and knowing her she'll demand.That I marry both kirishima and shannon which we've all just gotten in a good places after all that has happened.And I don't think now is good time I've know kirishima longer as for shannon well I'm just getting to know her.After find out she was born in this world also she is the long lost princess of fallen kingdom and top it all off she can us magic.

As bakugou was debating whether to tell shannon about all this because he knew that this would a lot to put on her.And that was the last thing he would want to do as he was doing this kirishima,shannon were working in the garden they made.A few of the vegetables were ready to be picked as some need more time before they would ready to pick just yet.When bakugou did get back he had hug bag which the kill had to a boar as he opened the door his said I'm home.Both kirishima,shannon said welcome back bakugou how hunting of course bakuogu said it was good we should good until we need pack up to go see kirishima mothers soon.Kirishima was skinning the boar which was going to a stew as shannon was cutting up the vegetables that would also go into tonight stew.As the stew was cooking in cauldron bakugou said he got letter from the old hang saying she found out about shannon from kirishima mothers.So since they going to be there he might as well as have shannon met the old hang to stop her dam pestering him.

Kirishami pov:

I was so happy that our beloved gemstone is going to be able to see my home since she decided to stay here with me and bakugou.And the best things she mine and bakuogu mate I knew I felt something when we were with her as traveled around.Me and bakugou learned that shannon is a princess of a fallen kingdom that is long gone but she is still a princess.Shannon also has magic too this was cool to learn and since we came back then build a home for us I written to my mothers of course they sent a letter back wanting to meet shannon.Which was nice an all but bakugou's mother the queen must have found out now she too sent a letter ask her son the princes to bring shannon home.For a visited now bakugou yelled like always saying hell no he wasn't going to forces our rose-gem to do something she want to do.However shannon said that she wanted to meet to my mothers as well as bakugou mother the queen this made me happy.As for bakugou who had just go back home with tonight dinner look like he had been thinking.Me and shannon welcome him home it wasn't until late after I had skin the hug boar he brought back was going in stew.Shannon cut up the fresh vegetables we had picked from the garden we had made as katsuki put the lied on the calerden.He told us that in a few days we would be head back to his and mine home to let shannon meet my mothers as well as his mother.As we decided when we should leave katsuki said we should leave with a few day with done the stew was also done.Dinner was just so good that I was able to get second bowel as shannon was getting the bath ready for us well since we build the house.We have a hot spring we heated some time ago and now we have an open air bath it was nice.Shannon got the bath ready for bakugou as well as myself she had her ready she was getting undressed.And I know that me and bakugou have kind since shannon naked however it was rough but we're mates.So that may change things I'm not sure because bakugou didn't look away as fast as I did the first time.And he must have since enough because he was blushing hard so I know he saw more than I did.

As the sun had already set and shannon was now in the open air bath she wasn't wearing a towel as she knew that she was both bakuogu's and kirishima's mate.So it was alright if they saw her naked once ever though it was on excited and she was sure that kirishima looked away as for bakugou.Well he saw a little more that kirishima did but there was no way he was telling shittyscale that he would just be mad or say something like that was right at the time.As the moon was rising high into the sky along with the stars it was peaceful night until kirishima jumped into the warm water.Of course bakugou yelled at kirishima for jumping like he did but it was know use tell that to kirishima as they were bathing.Kirishima tried to look at shannon since she was naked and he could now see everything now but bakugou stopped him.By saying to you wanted to die shannon may be our mate but you as well as I know that we can't until we've fully mated.

Shannon pov:

Since I decided to stay here after learning that I'am a princess also both bakugou,kirishima mate was hard to believe.But I'm happy that choice to stay because now I get to know them both and I'm going to meet kirishimma mothers.He told me a little of what they are like and also forgot I can use magic too this hasn't been easy because I didn't know use magic.Back when I was with my mothers spirited she showed me how also as what kind of magic I have which the four elements of nature itself.I may have master my magic to a pointed but I feel like I'm still new to all this however I have my mates bakugou,kirishima to help me.And speaking of bakugou will his mother also sent a letter after kirishima has sent one and his mother the queen.She also wants to meet me since her son has never wrote her except for when he sent money back to his home.Of course bakugou wasn't happy because he and his mother must not get along for some reason I'm not sure what happened.But I hope they can work things out as we will be seeing his mother after he said that in few days time we should get things ready for the journey.To their home which I learned was called red crimson fire lilies lands it sound like a beautiful places.Once dinner was done we eat the stew was just amazing after the dish were washed I went to get the bath ready for us.The house we build well we hit all narutle hot spring so we build an open air bath also we had build a bathroom where we wash up.As I had wash up I step into the warm water however once kirishima did well bakugou was angry as he yelled at kirishima telling that he'll kick his ass next time he does that.

As they finish their bath shannon got out first she change into a nightgown afterwards she started brushing her long midnight black hair.Kirishima loved it when shannon would brush her hair because he could smell the scent of roses.However bakugou didn't ready get it because he didn't have a dragon's nose so it wasn't like he could get it.But he had his things he like about shannon like how she was good with a bow and arrow he wanted to see what else she was good at.As they went to bed which was huge they need it to be that way because kirishima wings.And it has more room once both bakugou,kirishima were done and dressed for bed shannon was pulling the blanket.Up so they could claim in as they did bakugou was on one side and kirishima was on the other side and shannon was in the middle.It was the best way to cuddle in kirishima mind because he and bakugou could cuddle shannon without kirishima wings getting in the way.As kirishima pulled the blanket over them as sleep took all three of them this was best sleep that both kirshima and bakugou ever had since they found out they were mates.Until now find they had another mate shannon it was amazing because bakugou,kirishima dreams made since now. 

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