Chapter 27 - Jump

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*tw mentions of eating disorders (specifically anorexia), suicide/suggests suicidal thoughts and actions, *
You got to your room and sat on the bed, you pulled your phone out and decided to post on Instagram

*tw mentions of eating disorders (specifically anorexia), suicide/suggests suicidal thoughts and actions, *_________________________________________You got to your room and sat on the bed, you pulled your phone out and decided to post on Instagram...

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234 likes 63 comments Sometimes the best things come in the worst times but sometimes in those times all you need is a girl who is fixing a heart she didn't break, a sport to take the pain away and a book to escape reality 💐🕊️CommentsL

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234 likes 63 comments
Sometimes the best things come in the worst times but sometimes in those times all you need is a girl who is fixing a heart she didn't break, a sport to take the pain away and a book to escape reality 💐🕊️

eahWilliamsonn Baby girll x

LucyBronze Think you should become a motivational speaker kid

/I22Lvr Are Y/n and Leah dating?

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"Your cute"
Leah said walking out of the bathroom in just a towel, she knew what she was doing to you, you looked her with raised eyebrows
She was smirking, you shook your head and picked up your book, it was Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring. After a little while you felt Leah get into bed and cuddle up to you, she didn't say anything but just rested her head on your chest and read with you. Eventually you put your book down and fell asleep with Leah practically on top of you but you didn't mind because she looked so comfy.

A few hours later you woke up with a pounding headache, Leah had rolled off you so you got up. Your head was spinning and it felt like you were gonna faint, you walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, you were as white as a ghost but ignored it and passed it off as your iron or sodium being a bit low. You got ready and went on your phone for a while as it was only 5:03am. Once it hit 5:45am you went down to the gym and began punching the punching bag. You worked out for around an hour and a half before you were interrupted by Alessia
"Y/n what are you doing it's like 7:14am"
You shrugged your shoulders and turned back to the machine you were just on
"No come on I wanna talk to you"
You sighed and walked over to her
"What's up"
You asked surprised you could muster up the words to speak
"Y/n you've not eaten in days you need to fuel your body"
You had never heard Alessia so stern before so it frightened you
"I'm just not hungry Less"
You barely whispered looking at the ground
"I know but you're gonna get poorly if you carry on like this, I see so much of myself in you it's scary seeing you like this"
"I'm sorry I'm really trying, I promise Less it's just hard when I've struggled with it for so long"
You froze realising you had just told her that this wasn't a new struggle
"What do you mean? how long has this been a thing?"
"I've got anorexia Less, have done since we were 14, I've just never told anyone because I didn't want to be a burden"
Alessia had a look of shock plastered on her face
"Y/n you're never a burden that's 8 whole years and you've never told anyone?"
She stopped dead in her tracks and pulled you to face her
"Well unfortunately I'm still here so it's not killed me has it"
You began getting irritated, probably due to the fact that you hadn't had your meds in 3 days or eaten properly in almost a week
"Y/n please don't say that, you can't go, i need you here"
"You don't understand it Alessia"
you shrugged her hands off your arms and walked off putting your headphones on. You walked to the empty relaxation room and saw a guitar, you were gutted that you couldn't bring yours. You tuned it and began playing 'Matilda' one of Harry Styles' new songs which you absolutely adored, you quietly sang along to the melody and forgot about the world around you, that was until you saw someone stood in the doorway
"You've got a very pretty voice darling"
You felt your face got red and looked at the ground trying not to become flustered
"Thanks but it's really not"
You said finally looking up at her
"Y/n you've got the voice of an angel"
Leah began walking towards you, you put down the guitar and stood up allowing one of Leahs arms go around your waist and the other under your chin. You leant in and kissed her, it was long and loving unlike the heated makeout sessions you had been having over the past few days.
"What happened with Alessia she's just come to me practically bawling her eyes out"
Your heart dropped, you didn't mean to make her cry, how could you be so insensitive she was just worried
"I made her cry?"
Your eyes welled with tears
"No love, I don't think it was you I think shes just worried about you"
Leah pulled you to sit next to her on the couch
"What's going on y/n I want to help you, I love you so much and I don't want you do to this alone"
You couldn't find the words to speak you just shook your head and stood up walking towards the door
You ignored Leah and walked towards the back of the hotel where Lucy found you the night before, you were ready to take all the pain away, you were ready to jump. You stood there looking down when Alessias words began repeating in your head 'you can't go' 'I need you', eventually Lucy had appeared by your side
"Cmon kid let's get you inside"
She spoke softly like usual
"I can't do this anymore Luce I don't want to be here but I'm too scared to do it because I don't want to leave yous behind. I just want to feel better"
You brokedown while walking into the building
"How about you skip training today to regather your thoughts and I'll talk to you tonight about what we should do"
You really didn't want to skip training but you knew Lucy wouldn't take no for an answer
"Can I atleast do the first half"
You negotiated and Lucy gave you a nod of approval, you had arrived in the dining hall and you went straight to Alessia and hugged her from behind as she was sat down
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be Y/n I completely understand"
She whispered into your ear, you forced a smile at her then diverted your attention to Leah who seemed to already be looking at you so you couldn't help but smile at her. You walked over to your usual table sitting next to her
"You good babe?"
She whispered placing her hand on your thigh
"Mhm I'm sorry"
"Don't be Y/n I'm the one at fault"
You were confused because in your eyes you were the one at fault.

I feel like the chapters keep getting longer but hey ho atleast in putting chapters out but I might make them slightly shorter just so I can get more out <3

Also so sorry for the inconsistent posts I'm trying my hardest to not fail school 😭

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