Chapter 4

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This chapter contains a light sadomasochism scene. In this case, Feyd takes pleasure in being lightly tortured before sex. The sex scene is not explicit, just mentioned.There is mention of death by dismemberment and cannibalism, including gestational children.So if you don't feel comfortable, I suggest you skip this chapter.

"That's a win-win, Feyd." The Baron, my uncle, came out of the tub, naked, bringing a trail of dark water to the armchair.

Our relationship was shaky, in ruins, just two steps away from turning to dust. However, my plans were not limited to serving the imbecile with veiled eyes. Addiction was a must if I wanted to extinguish his tedious life.

"I don't see the advantage of marrying a benedita, uncle. It's just a powerless sect."

"Do you suggest one similar to Fenring?" He arched his lips in a tasty mockery of his appetite.

Whenever the Baron mentioned my last concubine — the only one I wished to love and keep close by — I felt my veins dilate, my blood pulsing fervently for breath.

"I still haven't forgiven you for what you did, uncle."

"Who cares what you feel, nephew. I never expected such a thing. I did what I did because it was necessary."

"You killed Margot and my son in her womb, just to prove to the Sisterhood that you had the power over all things."

"Absolutely!" He snorted, as the handmaidens helped him cover his sturdy body. Affronted by his boring present, I frantically moved my jaw.

"The child was my son!" I growled.

"How long have you become a sentimental fool? You've never cared about these cheesy couple's stuff. Business, Feyd! Come to your senses and act as a leader should."

"Yes, Baron! Can I retire? I am tired. Tomorrow, the chosen woman will arrive. I don't want to appear fragile. I need an uninterrupted night's sleep."

"Before you close your eyes to sleep that night's sleep, I suggest you take some consideration about your choices."

"I don't intend to go back on my decision, Baron. I don't want this unfortunate woman to suffer the same fate as Margot."

"Don't worry. You will kill her yourself. Remember, before you and her consummate the act, you must get rid of the woman. It is said that the hearts of the beneditas women are soft. I've never tried the delicacy."

"If I refuse it?"

"I'll kill you instead. But I know your heart is hard, it will give me digestive disorders. You've killed a plethora of men in the battles I've fought, or for sheer fun in the arena. Do not be so cowardly as to succumb to a poor wretch whose origin you do not know."

"I will not succumb."

"That's what I wait for. Now, go! You get horrible from dark circles under your eyes."

I had a plan in mind, but masterfully executing it required time and dexterity.

I bent over and walked out of the Baron's bathing room. As I reached the hallway towards my bedroom, Glossu Rabban emerged from a door.

"What did he say?" His voice was urgent, eager, and curious, all of which I despised.

"The obvious!" I kept walking.

"Will you kill the girl?"

"I don't have a better way out. The Baron said that a refusal of mine will be the death knell for both of us."

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