Chapter 6

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In which Marilyn, Alex, and Peter officiate a funeral.

When Marilyn awoke in her new dorm room, the sun was streaming cheerfully through her window. After the discussion with Logan, Jean had gone with her to explain to Hank and Charles what had happened to her room. To Marilyn's relief, they were not at all angry, and she was moved to a different dorm so the old one could be repaired. In the new one, Hank had the brilliant idea to bolt all the furniture to the floor.

"That'll make sure no more furniture gets destroyed!" Alex had assured Marilyn.

"Unless I flatten it," she had pointed out.

Alex looked thoughtful. "That'll make sure there's a fifty percent less chance more furniture gets destroyed!" Marilyn had found the remark funny. Despite knowing him for less than a day, she had already grown quite fond of Alex and his sunny disposition.

After unpacking (again), eating dinner (the pizza finally arrived, thank goodness), and playing a few games of go fish with the others, Marilyn had retreated to her room. She had to be up bright and early in the morning, as Hank had some tests he wanted to run on her. They were going to work on getting to the bottom of what her mutation actually was. Hank didn't think it was telekinesis like Jean did, and Marilyn was actually looking forward to see on how this would play out. She only hoped there would be no more unfortunate incidents.

Breakfast was downstairs, and the kitchen was bustling with students of all ages. Some of them looked at Marilyn curiously, as she assumed they did whenever a new face arrived at the institute. She made herself a bowl of cereal and plopped down at the table. After a quick blood glucose check and insulin dosage, she began to eat.

"Good morning!" Marilyn looked up to see Kurt smiling down at her. "May I sit with you?" He asked. She nodded and he plopped down next to her. "How did you sleep?" Kurt asked her, before taking a bite of his buttered toast.

"I slept well," Marilyn told him.

Kurt beamed. "That is good to hear! Will you be starting classes today?"

"No, I've already graduated," Marilyn said, stirring the cereal with her spoon, "Hank's got some tests that he wants to run. So I'll be with him for a lot of the day."

"Do you know what he's doing?" Kurt asked.

"Nope," Marilyn responded, "It's a complete surprise."

"Well, I hope it is a pleasant one!" He said. Just then, the heavy sound of footsteps caused both to look over, and see Logan strolling into the kitchen. He had been invited to stay at the institute while the professor figured out what they were to do about Erik. Part of Charles just wanted to ignore the issue and hope Erik would just not do anything, but he knew that was unlikely. So for now, they waited, at least until a solution came to them.

"Morning," Logan said gruffly.

"Guten tag!" Kurt responded, friendly as ever. Marilyn had learned about Kurt last night: he was from Germany, his mutation allowed him to teleport, and he loved dancing. She had always struggled to make friends in the past, but Alex, Kurt and Jean were so warm and genuine that she was actually starting to feel at home here.

Logan grunted and went to look in the fridge. "Isn't there any beer in this place?"

"Dude, this is a school," Peter said as he walked in. Logan grunted again, pulling out a jug of orange juice and pouring himself a glass. Peter sat down by Kurt and the three at the table watched Logan in silence. He seemed to know his way around the place pretty well, as if he'd been there before. After finishing his glass of juice, Logan trudged right back out of the kitchen.

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