Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV

He sat there staring at Juliet as she spoke her memory. He fiddled with the hem of shirt, the one the hospital gave him, and unlike those shirts this was an average polo. He had this look in his eye, one that even I couldn't identify. She was scared. Scared of his thoughts. Scared that he'll leave her. Scared that he may never get his memory back.

"Was that true?" His deep, chocolate smooth voice creeped through the silent room.

"Yeah, it was a real story. You must be bored out of your mind right now," She breathed, and let out a humorless laugh.

"You must have lived a very hectic life," He moved his chair closer to the bed and sat down.

"It actually wasn't. You helped me board a less bumpy and awful roller coaster," Juliet tried making an awful joke.

"Well, maybe not make more of those joke, it would make your life less bumpy," He mocked the bumps with his arm movements.

She laughed and he joined in. For a moment Juliet thought that they were the original Daniel and Juliet. For a moment she thought that she could be happy. For a moment she forgot that her one true love didn't know her at all anymore. But today was the day where Juliet decided to look on the positive side of things.

"Daniel, it's time for your medicine," A female nurse that she had not seen before propped the door open and stuck her head though the crack.

"Really, May?" He protested.

"Really, Dan Dan," She sighed.

"Fine" He grumbled while getting up.

She waved bye, he waved back. She smiled, he smiled back. She was happy, and somehow she could tell he was too.
A couple days later, Juliet lay in the bed, and had Cameron Dallas videos playing on her laptop. She was engaged, but that didn't mean, Juliet couldn't fangirl over a hot and funny guy. Juliet was getting bored so she turned her laptop off and placed on the side table.

"Hi," Daniel walked in.

"Hey," He sat in a seat.

"Story?" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah, it's story time," Juliet beamed.
"Skylynn, come over quick!" I screeched into the phone while simultaneously stripping out of my clothes in the bathroom.

"I'll be right over! Just take a quick shower!" She stated and she hung up.

I quickly stepped into the shower and let the warm water flow over my bare skin. I scrubbed harder than I had ever scrubbed before. Soon, I stepped out of the shower fried my body and wrapped a towel around me after I moisturized. I walked out of the bathroom, when I saw that my best friend Skylynn was rummaging through my clothes.
I squealed with joy and ran beside her.

"You have go to be kidding me!" She exclaimed.

"What?" I said innocently.

"I have a lot of work to do," She gave a scary smile and went back to choosing my clothes.

"Did he tell you what you should wear?"

"He said to dress casually, and to bring a bathing suit," I listed as I plugged in my hair curler.

She nodded her head, and started pulling out clothing. She held clothing together mentally contemplating what clothes I should wear while I curled my hair. Finally after 30 minutes I finished curling my hair, but Sky was still choosing my outfit.

"Are you done yet?" I cried out.

"No, but you should choose your bikini," She hollered back.

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