Chapter Five: A Plan to Escape.

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M/N sat up and yawned, he rubbed his sleepy eyes as he cleared the sleepy dust away from his beautiful E/C eyes. He looked towards the bedroom door and then averted his eyes to the alarm clock. 

It was not yet 9:20 AM so he had time to think of an escape plan.
'What if I find hot peppers and squirt it in their eyes and than escape...?'

M/N thought full of hope as he shook his head and frowned at himself.
'No, that won't do...'

'How about earning the kidnappers trust and getting to know them better...? Or I could pepper spray them...? Nah we'll go for Plan A.'

The bedroom door opened making M/N jump slightly as Zane walked in chuckling slightly.

"Morning sleepy head. Thought you might be hungry."

M/N looked at the dish suspiciously as Zane tilted his head confused and shrugged it off and chuckled.

"Do you need me to feed ya' or something?"

M/N looked at the syrup coated pancakes and shook his head.

"I can feed myself."

M/N spoke bluntly as Zane looked at M/N as M/N picked up the pancakes and began to eat it making Zane speak up more as he tried to ease the thick tension he felt in the room.

"So... Do you wanna go in the living room today? Me and the fellas were thinking we could have a movie night. What do you say?"

M/N looked at Zane and nodded as he didn't show any sign of emotion as Zane smiled excitedly.

"That's great! Uh, I'll go tell the others stay here!"

M/N stayed put as told and when Zane left the room he smiled smugly to himself as he whispered to himself.

"Step One complete."


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