Chapter Three: Kidnapper(s) Revealed...

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Aphmau held a meeting on the server in hope of searching for her brother M/N as she looked at all her friends who talked amongst themselves except Pierce and Ein... 

"Order! Order!"

Aphmau raised her voice as she got confused looks from her friends which amused her slightly. 

"My brother is missing, now as I have said to all of you before. Have any of you found clues...?"

Noi spoke up as he held up some light blue wool and a bit of black hair. 

"I have! I found these near the forest cave where I sometimes go to mine Aph!

Aphmau and her friends looked at the objects but it was hard to see due to all the sunlight that beamed on the objects.

"Noi, would you please come to me.

Aphmau looked at Noi as she spoke and Noi nodded as he followed her orders and held out the objects to which Aphmau took from his palm as her eyes widened. She looked at the two only panicking server members. 
But then KC raised her hand and Aphmau looked at her. 

"Yes KC...?"

"I've found this weird greyish, blackish fabric as well near M/N's newly built house but it was stuck to his broken kitchen window..."

KC went up to Aphmau, handed the fabric over and went back to her spot as her eyes widened once again, there were three kidnappers involved in M/N's disappearance but how- 
Zane was with her the whole time right...?- No he wasn't...

Aphmau looked at Zane, Ein and Pierce as she turned to fully look at them. 

"Ein, Pierce and... Zane..."

The server members who were innocent fell into sounds of gasps. 

"Do you mind explaining yourselves...?"

Zane, Ein and Pierce looked at each other and nodded in unison as Zane stood up and spoke. 

"He's ours!"

"Yeah! And he's way better than Gold too! No! I let myself rephrase that he's just as good as Gold!"

Everyone was shocked even more when Ein said that and Ein would never admit anyone was better than Gold so this all made everyone shocked even more whereas Aphmau felt more betrayed by Zane. 

"Zane, I thought you liked KC??"

"Not anymore I don't."

Zane bluntly replied to Aphmau and the others as he confessed his loss for his loving emotions for KC he saw her nothing more now than a friend like everyone else whereas KC was hurt she fell in love with Zane just before everyone found out about M/N and this made her upset. 

"Why Zane...?"

"Why what?"

Zane bluntly said as he held a monotone voice to KC as her eyes glossed over.


"Well, I don't.


KC fell silent and broke down into tears as Kim, MacNCheese and Noi ran over to comfort her as Aaron went next to Aphmau and stood beside her. 

"We want M/N back!"

Aaron spoke coldly and sharply to the three ex-member servers who he called 'traitors' of the server. 

"Lemme think about ittt-"

Ein placed a finger to his chin and hummed. 


Ein stopped and looked at the other two as they looked at him smirking slightly. Ein then looked back at Aaron and Aphmau. 


Aaron snapped and whipped out his netherite sword and went to attack Ein, Pierce and Zane when Zane threw a smoke bomb down making smoke block Aaron and the others vision as coughs could be heard until the smoke slowly died down to reveal the three 'traitors' as Aaron likes to call them, gone. 

Aphmau fell to her knees as tears dripped from her cheeks as her bottom lip trembled and she hugged her knees to her chest. 

"I-....I'm *Shaky Sigh*... Sorry-... B-...b-brother!"

Aphmau whispered out shakily as Aaron grunted and made his way back to Aphmau embracing her into a hug as Noi, Kim and MacNCheese comforted KC who was still weeping over the loss of her crush and now as they all knew him and the others as...

.Traitors .


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